naim: mak.. tadi makcik nani (emak kawannya, juga kawan mak) tanya.
mak buat bubur lambuk letak ape? ikan taruk? tapi syafiq cakap tak letak.
mak: ish bukan nak letak ikan pun sume kena cakap. mana tau x letak~
syafiq: laa letak ke.. ingatkan tak
mak: letak aa siap blend ikan biasa ikan bilis lagi. abess kalo x letak ikan nak letak ape? lembu?
saye: letak ah. bespe letak lembu
bajet garang aah tu nak letak lembu dalam bubur lambok!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
'need extra hands?', A humble resume
haha da dekat bepuluh draft yg aku x publish. bajet post sempena grad.
mentang mentang course aku punya paper start lambat, dan dan je kawan kawan yang disayangi asek ajak ronggeng, 'eena, ko da abes paper, kan'
dengan sopannye aku tepakse ckp saye baru tamat fes paper.
dan dan abes paper bergegas pulang beraya la pulak kan
lepas raya pun malas2 bangun tido nk gerak g carik tren balik sini pulak kan..
masa kian suntuk pastu buat slide sume
lepas habis prizen semua..
hah! susun xtvt la plak kan. wiken #1 redi to goo~~~
opensuse release party, ngan folo yon ade job wedding
malang tidak berbau, satu wiken tu hangus, las las lepak sini je.
wiken ni, ade lagi event yg saye hanguskan. azie ajak g charity event as volunteer. still sebab saye masih disini tak balik balik.
yela yela saye balik la esokkkk!!
tapi mesti aa belom peking, kan.
next wiken plak ade trip lagi.
insyaAllah, xkensel dah neh.
ehem.. tgk belen dalam acc.. lepas gatai tangan withdraw byk2, stelah baruuu je withdraw tp kne bayo fine buku overdue kat irc.. jgn jadi macam aku oi, clearance pun makan duet. total damage: rm 100. bhai!
pastu nak gi lumut smalam tengok2 duet tade dalam purse. aikkkkk!!!
yang gatainye disini, duet saye dalam poket sluar rupenye. memang ah purse kosong!
wiwit.. carik keje oi!
jenng jeng jenggggggg~~~
kalo anda sorang fotograpfer n ade job, rogerla saye, tp nak tag along saje saje je la, kumpol ilmu didada >__<. baru skali je job snirik, tp still xpuas nak tag along byk2
kalo anda sorang organizer camps, offer me, saye boleh berkhidmat dengan pengalaman di peringkat tempatan, korporat dan international.
kalo anda seorang hardcore in volunteering works, contohnye wildlife conservation ke, bat ke, orang utan ke.. pengalaman memang tade lagi so far, tapi saye bleh blaja, dun weri~ volunteer jenis jenis lain pun boleh je
basically saya looking for doing things i love, ala ala non-profit punye based laa.. asal cover mileage, ngan makan minum, ngan extra sket2 tuk sminggu dua, oke la tuh. tak memilih, n no hidden cost!
masa kerja pulak, berdasarkan hire n fire punye konsep. ade pojek saye on. komitmen tak berbelah bahagi punya~
bukan tamo keje bebetul or x minat ngan bidang yang diceburi, cuma nak carik peluang santai santai.. sejak tadika woo pulun gi skolah.. tiba masa manjakan diri plak. eceyhh~~
plus.. kalo diikutkan sejarah tumbesaran aku.. festaim ni bakal hadapi bulan pertama tanpa skoler setelah berbelas belas tahun.
insyaAllah.. kerja tetap pun akan aku pelan pelan kayuh carik2, semoga dimurahkan rezeki :)
mentang mentang course aku punya paper start lambat, dan dan je kawan kawan yang disayangi asek ajak ronggeng, 'eena, ko da abes paper, kan'
dengan sopannye aku tepakse ckp saye baru tamat fes paper.
dan dan abes paper bergegas pulang beraya la pulak kan
lepas raya pun malas2 bangun tido nk gerak g carik tren balik sini pulak kan..
masa kian suntuk pastu buat slide sume
lepas habis prizen semua..
hah! susun xtvt la plak kan. wiken #1 redi to goo~~~
opensuse release party, ngan folo yon ade job wedding
malang tidak berbau, satu wiken tu hangus, las las lepak sini je.
wiken ni, ade lagi event yg saye hanguskan. azie ajak g charity event as volunteer. still sebab saye masih disini tak balik balik.
yela yela saye balik la esokkkk!!
tapi mesti aa belom peking, kan.
next wiken plak ade trip lagi.
insyaAllah, xkensel dah neh.
ehem.. tgk belen dalam acc.. lepas gatai tangan withdraw byk2, stelah baruuu je withdraw tp kne bayo fine buku overdue kat irc.. jgn jadi macam aku oi, clearance pun makan duet. total damage: rm 100. bhai!
pastu nak gi lumut smalam tengok2 duet tade dalam purse. aikkkkk!!!
yang gatainye disini, duet saye dalam poket sluar rupenye. memang ah purse kosong!
wiwit.. carik keje oi!
jenng jeng jenggggggg~~~
need extra hands?
kalo anda sorang organizer camps, offer me, saye boleh berkhidmat dengan pengalaman di peringkat tempatan, korporat dan international.
kalo anda seorang hardcore in volunteering works, contohnye wildlife conservation ke, bat ke, orang utan ke.. pengalaman memang tade lagi so far, tapi saye bleh blaja, dun weri~ volunteer jenis jenis lain pun boleh je
basically saya looking for doing things i love, ala ala non-profit punye based laa.. asal cover mileage, ngan makan minum, ngan extra sket2 tuk sminggu dua, oke la tuh. tak memilih, n no hidden cost!
masa kerja pulak, berdasarkan hire n fire punye konsep. ade pojek saye on. komitmen tak berbelah bahagi punya~
sekian sesi resume xformal dari saya...
bukan tamo keje bebetul or x minat ngan bidang yang diceburi, cuma nak carik peluang santai santai.. sejak tadika woo pulun gi skolah.. tiba masa manjakan diri plak. eceyhh~~
plus.. kalo diikutkan sejarah tumbesaran aku.. festaim ni bakal hadapi bulan pertama tanpa skoler setelah berbelas belas tahun.
insyaAllah.. kerja tetap pun akan aku pelan pelan kayuh carik2, semoga dimurahkan rezeki :)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
at a glance
duduk dekat meja skang boleh nampak beberapa perkara..
- tripod patah dah byk kali repair still xelok.. bole nampak dgn spirit tak level skang.. tapi still boleh guna, cuma kena lapik siket la..
- lutut yang dah bebulan oke tetiba saket balek.. krim pulak dah expired.. (dah lama sangat da rupanya tapi belum baik)
- hinge lappy da totally detached (lcd dgn body) tapi da ejas sket so die jadi guard je.. mmg lekat dekat cable je skang.. yang ni pun pakai konsep lapik lapik jugak
- filp cover phone da patah. separa bogel dan tak lagi menarek perhatian rakan rakan
- kamera yang malas nak sebut the flaw nanti la baru pegi repair
- vmware yang takbole updet kernel or something.. sangap microsoft ofc gak aa.. susah woo pakai openoffice~
- vbox yang x recognise img.. dah format manual pun xjadi jugak.. dulu dulu guna macam senang je.. dah lama x tgk fedora ngan w7
- external keyboard yang bukak pastu duk main2 sampai malas nk pasang balik.. farewell je ahh~
- pokok kaktus masih bertahan sehingga arini.. tapi yang satu tu dah nipis sebab kurang air takde org jaga masa cuti raya haji. patutnya tebal.
- selain sepeket kecik biskut, takde makanan lain. aku lapa. n xrasa biskut tu membuka selera.
open source,
outdoor activity,
virtual machine
Sunday, November 22, 2009
more, clouds
the heavy clouds
sooner or later,
of water.
the happiness,
also washed away.
the cloudy days
aku rasa sedikit gloomy sejak akhir akhir ni
kurang bersosial (sejak foundation, aku rase sem ni paling super-behave, ouh dengan time intern, sbb masa tu utp-sick n xde ramai close friends around)
kurang spend time sama sama rakan rakan yang selalunya waktu waktu macam ni berhempas pulas dalam kesejukan iklim IRC
most of the time aku ada dekat bilik je, kalau tak study for the papers, aku study for subject2 lain, klik facebook, layan emails, layan forum, layan blog, melawat laman-laman berlubang dan lain lain.
how i wished masa berlalu lebih cepat.. quickly get over with this, get a couple of rocky jobs and settle down with a steady one.. see.. i'm eager to flip to the next chapter of life, oo yeah~~
the cloudy factor? maybe... maybe je laaa, i wasn't sure either.. maybe its a mixed but this one sure the one contributing factor i guess..
the sayang got some hiccups.
not that i regret for what had happened, just that.. i feel the .. urm... forget it, its nobody's fault anyway. you know u'll certainly got this kind of feeling when ur very own sayangs got hurt~ auchh~
kurang bersosial (sejak foundation, aku rase sem ni paling super-behave, ouh dengan time intern, sbb masa tu utp-sick n xde ramai close friends around)
kurang spend time sama sama rakan rakan yang selalunya waktu waktu macam ni berhempas pulas dalam kesejukan iklim IRC
most of the time aku ada dekat bilik je, kalau tak study for the papers, aku study for subject2 lain, klik facebook, layan emails, layan forum, layan blog, melawat laman-laman berlubang dan lain lain.
how i wished masa berlalu lebih cepat.. quickly get over with this, get a couple of rocky jobs and settle down with a steady one.. see.. i'm eager to flip to the next chapter of life, oo yeah~~
the cloudy factor? maybe... maybe je laaa, i wasn't sure either.. maybe its a mixed but this one sure the one contributing factor i guess..
the sayang got some hiccups.
not that i regret for what had happened, just that.. i feel the .. urm... forget it, its nobody's fault anyway. you know u'll certainly got this kind of feeling when ur very own sayangs got hurt~ auchh~
Thursday, November 19, 2009
a good night wish
its me, again!
yes you just happened to click on my site so don't look back. its your future now, at least for the next few second before you hit the cross button or better yet, opt for many links provided for your convenience here :D
so let's do this. for once. after so long.
i have to sleep at normal hour!! i must have to be in bed early!
and wake up to the sun rise and have a breakfast, a good one.
that was supposed to be great, don't u think so?
well.. wish me luck!
p/s: less socialized kinda live i am living. gotta be a good wife ^_^
(in the future-laah)
Monday, November 16, 2009
siri bercakap dengan jin
sedang aku take five diwaktu senja.. aku jumpa satu link
sekarang aku rasa nak extract semua tu simpan. nanti mana tahu rasa nak baca lagi.
aku baca novel-novel bersiri ni waktu kecil dulu. aku tak ingat umur berapa tapi dalam banyak banyak buku dalam rak dalam rumah aku, siri ini menarik walaupun menyeramkan. mungkin aku belum sekolah atau awal sekolah rendah.
serius bukan bahan bacaan aku? hahaha.
kan dah cakap waktu kecil aku banyak masa sorang-sorang; abang pegi main jauh-jauh, pakcik pergi bersosial atau berkerja, tuk dengan tokki pun ada la kerja diorang. jadi memang sesuaila hobi aku membaca apa saja tak kira tempat atau masa~
ye benar, bukan sekarang je aku baru pandai burn the midnight oil, sejak kecik. sejak kecik! outstanding bukan? cuma sekarang je melampau lebih lebih.
cerita ni seingat aku agak menyeramkan, dan banyak selitkan keistimewaan orang alim. tapak tangan gebu bak kapas, muka suci bersih bercahaya dan sebagainya. si tamar jalis ni pula selalu diganggu ke alam lain, selalu nampak apa yang orang lain tak nampak. mungkin lemah semangat, tapi orang sekelilinglah yang banyak membantu.
hah betulke? what do you expect, aku belum akil baligh masa aku layan ni semua. sekarang dah transform jadi gadis anggun, tapi banyak makan semut, mana nak ingat.
sekarang tak tahu buku buku ni masih wujud atau tidak di rumah. sebab rumah tu pun dah mengalami renovation dan barang2 pun tak tahu simpan kat mana. kalau buku tu dah rosak, aku je lah kanak-kanak yang disyaki. bukan ada orang lain dah.
sekarang aku rasa nak extract semua tu simpan. nanti mana tahu rasa nak baca lagi.
aku baca novel-novel bersiri ni waktu kecil dulu. aku tak ingat umur berapa tapi dalam banyak banyak buku dalam rak dalam rumah aku, siri ini menarik walaupun menyeramkan. mungkin aku belum sekolah atau awal sekolah rendah.
serius bukan bahan bacaan aku? hahaha.
kan dah cakap waktu kecil aku banyak masa sorang-sorang; abang pegi main jauh-jauh, pakcik pergi bersosial atau berkerja, tuk dengan tokki pun ada la kerja diorang. jadi memang sesuaila hobi aku membaca apa saja tak kira tempat atau masa~
ye benar, bukan sekarang je aku baru pandai burn the midnight oil, sejak kecik. sejak kecik! outstanding bukan? cuma sekarang je melampau lebih lebih.
cerita ni seingat aku agak menyeramkan, dan banyak selitkan keistimewaan orang alim. tapak tangan gebu bak kapas, muka suci bersih bercahaya dan sebagainya. si tamar jalis ni pula selalu diganggu ke alam lain, selalu nampak apa yang orang lain tak nampak. mungkin lemah semangat, tapi orang sekelilinglah yang banyak membantu.
hah betulke? what do you expect, aku belum akil baligh masa aku layan ni semua. sekarang dah transform jadi gadis anggun, tapi banyak makan semut, mana nak ingat.
sekarang tak tahu buku buku ni masih wujud atau tidak di rumah. sebab rumah tu pun dah mengalami renovation dan barang2 pun tak tahu simpan kat mana. kalau buku tu dah rosak, aku je lah kanak-kanak yang disyaki. bukan ada orang lain dah.
Friday, November 13, 2009
nostalgia balik raya
balik raya haritu memang nostalgik.
bukan lagi naek kete yang hadir dalam hidup kami dr aku darjah lima tu lagi.
guna kete lain pulak. aku harap boleh tido dari lepas simpang jusco equine n tau2 je masuk pintu gerbang kampung dengan banner 'selamat pulang perantau' je nanti.
tapi x seindah tu. selamba kete rosak2 plak. satu demi satu masalah timbul. selain dr consult mekanik kesayangan keluarga secara remote, teknik tradisi keluarga juga dipraktikkan disini. bukak je tengok apa yang patut. dahla sistem lain dah dari kereta nasional yg selalu dibukak2 sejak aku darjah lima. lagipun aku saspek kete ni tak sempat di mod lagi macam kereta tu. virgin lagi.
perjalanan tetap diteruskan walaupun tetap terhenti2 dengan kerap.
tapi ada perkara lain yang lebih 'MasyaAllah takkanlah' yg berlaku.
toilet dekat rnr punyala ramai sampai ke luar pun orang beratur. tapi ladies je la, the gents sikit je orang. mungkin average time taken by lelaki ngan perempuan tak same kot, walaupun buat perkara yang sama.
lalu kami nekad mencari toilet lain. perjalanan diteruskan lagi.
yey! ada sumber toilet lagi. tapi kali ni lebih disastrous. air takde dalam toilet. so apa orang ramai buat, guna botol air mineral, tadah air paip dekat luar, bwk masuk toilet.
niat aku sekali lagi terbantut. malas pulak.
masa ni aku terngiang2 kisah 'kencing di trek'. ondaway naik puncak.
masa tu ada this one boy dalam group aku nak kencing katanya. aku layan aje la, tapi aku dgn rasa responsible as the guider nak aa riki tempat sesuai dulu. belom apa2 dia dah kencing. betul2 tepi trek.
satu lagi kisah portable toilet untuk kontraktor dekat site. mungkin time lunch break je bleh pegi toilet agaknya. aku pulak jenis tunggu orang lunch break baru boleh masuk site buat keje. elok matahari terpacak. sekali aku tengok ramai2 beratur nak kencing. macam mana aku tau? sebab diorang beratur dekat depan toilet, pintu tak tutup.
itu belum kira kontraktor yang kencing dibelakang pokok. sedangkan pokok tu tepi pagar. sebelah pagar ada jalan, jalan yang sedang kami lalui.
tapi takdela sampai nampak apa yang tak patut nampak. semua ni kawasan publik kot.
kereta mengalami kerosakan yang lain pula yg menyebabkan kami spend masa agak lama di hentian toilet takde air ni, aku terpaksa join the crowd, berbekalkan dua botol mineral besar. cukupla basuh dulu toilet tu b4 guna ngan basuh blk after guna.
masa tu memang rasa lebih convenien kalau dalam hutan. toilet takde share punya~
bukan lagi naek kete yang hadir dalam hidup kami dr aku darjah lima tu lagi.
guna kete lain pulak. aku harap boleh tido dari lepas simpang jusco equine n tau2 je masuk pintu gerbang kampung dengan banner 'selamat pulang perantau' je nanti.
tapi x seindah tu. selamba kete rosak2 plak. satu demi satu masalah timbul. selain dr consult mekanik kesayangan keluarga secara remote, teknik tradisi keluarga juga dipraktikkan disini. bukak je tengok apa yang patut. dahla sistem lain dah dari kereta nasional yg selalu dibukak2 sejak aku darjah lima. lagipun aku saspek kete ni tak sempat di mod lagi macam kereta tu. virgin lagi.
perjalanan tetap diteruskan walaupun tetap terhenti2 dengan kerap.
tapi ada perkara lain yang lebih 'MasyaAllah takkanlah' yg berlaku.
toilet dekat rnr punyala ramai sampai ke luar pun orang beratur. tapi ladies je la, the gents sikit je orang. mungkin average time taken by lelaki ngan perempuan tak same kot, walaupun buat perkara yang sama.
lalu kami nekad mencari toilet lain. perjalanan diteruskan lagi.
yey! ada sumber toilet lagi. tapi kali ni lebih disastrous. air takde dalam toilet. so apa orang ramai buat, guna botol air mineral, tadah air paip dekat luar, bwk masuk toilet.
niat aku sekali lagi terbantut. malas pulak.
masa ni aku terngiang2 kisah 'kencing di trek'. ondaway naik puncak.
masa tu ada this one boy dalam group aku nak kencing katanya. aku layan aje la, tapi aku dgn rasa responsible as the guider nak aa riki tempat sesuai dulu. belom apa2 dia dah kencing. betul2 tepi trek.
satu lagi kisah portable toilet untuk kontraktor dekat site. mungkin time lunch break je bleh pegi toilet agaknya. aku pulak jenis tunggu orang lunch break baru boleh masuk site buat keje. elok matahari terpacak. sekali aku tengok ramai2 beratur nak kencing. macam mana aku tau? sebab diorang beratur dekat depan toilet, pintu tak tutup.
itu belum kira kontraktor yang kencing dibelakang pokok. sedangkan pokok tu tepi pagar. sebelah pagar ada jalan, jalan yang sedang kami lalui.
tapi takdela sampai nampak apa yang tak patut nampak. semua ni kawasan publik kot.
kereta mengalami kerosakan yang lain pula yg menyebabkan kami spend masa agak lama di hentian toilet takde air ni, aku terpaksa join the crowd, berbekalkan dua botol mineral besar. cukupla basuh dulu toilet tu b4 guna ngan basuh blk after guna.
masa tu memang rasa lebih convenien kalau dalam hutan. toilet takde share punya~
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
u pwnd me, i pwn u back ^_^
i u were to notice, its been a while since i last visit/admin-ed/ any web sites.
blame the undeveloped skills of mine or its them that getting more secured these days.
maybe my set of dorks ain't that catchy i always fail to r00t any.
and some times i am wayy too lazy with all the long n hassle queries of SQL injection just to learn that the hashes are not that easily johnable
(gambar sekadar hiasan)
Monday, November 9, 2009
kisah tetikus
pernahkah tetikus anda hampeh?
seperti kurang reaktif dan kejap nyala kejap padam macam agak siot je.
dan anda rasa seperti mahu ketuk-ketuk dan squeeze tetikus tersebut sambil cuba mencarut tapi seeloknya berzikir lah kawan-kawan, tiada hebatnya mencarut dalam bahasa melayu atau bukan melayu itu.
tetikus saya ialah didatangkan bersama laptop saya iaitu berjenama ASUS. sepanjang tempoh saya bersamanya, hanya sekali saya ada tetikus lain, sebagai tetikus kedua sebab yang lagi satu itu lebih panjang, boleh tarik dari meja ke katil. mentang-mentang USB port banyak la katakan.
tapi telah berada ditangan rakan saya tidak lama kemudian. semenjak itu, mouse saya solo, sampai hari ini
oh ya, pernah beberapa kali saya mengalami kejadian kurang responsif punya tindakbalas. maka ini bermula satu hiburan masa lapang baru..
'operasi kerat tetikus'
mula-mula, bukak screw. satu sahaja. (tetikus laser)
(tapi screwdriver juga agak susah didapati, selain satu set yang sedia ada, saya perlu mendapatkan screw driver lain pula)
kemudian periksa sambungan wayar, dalam kisah ini, jelas sambungannya sudah hampir terputus.
apa yang perlu saya lakukan, kerat penebat sekadar setengah sentimeter (hati-hati: jangan sampai terpotong yang tidak putus, ada beberapa kabel kecik dalam wayar tersebut)
potong depan belakang, lipat wayar tersebut supaya sambungan terputus tad dapat disimpulkan bersama. cucuk USB untuk memastikan ianya berfungsi.
setelah itu, memandangkan lokasi nya dekat dengan tetikus, maka wajar disorokkan sahaja kedalam badan. selit sesedap rasa.
sekarang tetikus saya lebih pendek, tapi berfungsi bagaikan baru kembali.
jangan lupa pasang penutup dan screwkan balik dengan ketat.
dan operasi ini telah dilakukan sebanyak dua kali. memang terasa kesemakinpendekannya.
hindari pembaziran :D
seperti kurang reaktif dan kejap nyala kejap padam macam agak siot je.
dan anda rasa seperti mahu ketuk-ketuk dan squeeze tetikus tersebut sambil cuba mencarut tapi seeloknya berzikir lah kawan-kawan, tiada hebatnya mencarut dalam bahasa melayu atau bukan melayu itu.
tetikus saya ialah didatangkan bersama laptop saya iaitu berjenama ASUS. sepanjang tempoh saya bersamanya, hanya sekali saya ada tetikus lain, sebagai tetikus kedua sebab yang lagi satu itu lebih panjang, boleh tarik dari meja ke katil. mentang-mentang USB port banyak la katakan.
tapi telah berada ditangan rakan saya tidak lama kemudian. semenjak itu, mouse saya solo, sampai hari ini
oh ya, pernah beberapa kali saya mengalami kejadian kurang responsif punya tindakbalas. maka ini bermula satu hiburan masa lapang baru..
'operasi kerat tetikus'
mula-mula, bukak screw. satu sahaja. (tetikus laser)
(tapi screwdriver juga agak susah didapati, selain satu set yang sedia ada, saya perlu mendapatkan screw driver lain pula)
kemudian periksa sambungan wayar, dalam kisah ini, jelas sambungannya sudah hampir terputus.
apa yang perlu saya lakukan, kerat penebat sekadar setengah sentimeter (hati-hati: jangan sampai terpotong yang tidak putus, ada beberapa kabel kecik dalam wayar tersebut)
potong depan belakang, lipat wayar tersebut supaya sambungan terputus tad dapat disimpulkan bersama. cucuk USB untuk memastikan ianya berfungsi.
setelah itu, memandangkan lokasi nya dekat dengan tetikus, maka wajar disorokkan sahaja kedalam badan. selit sesedap rasa.
sekarang tetikus saya lebih pendek, tapi berfungsi bagaikan baru kembali.
jangan lupa pasang penutup dan screwkan balik dengan ketat.
dan operasi ini telah dilakukan sebanyak dua kali. memang terasa kesemakinpendekannya.
hindari pembaziran :D
Saturday, November 7, 2009
kuarantin sempena selesema babi
ini merupakan post tribute.. terima kasih dan satu penyebaran bahawa betapa jasa mereka terhadapku
ramadhan yang lalu menyaksikan kesihatan aku goyah. aku disahkan menghidap demam. mungkin bermula hari khamis.. pada mulanya hanya sejuk dan kurang bermaya dalam kelas pagi-buta itu. namun, ah Pocket C, sejuk betul. terima kasih GDC, kau memang tak sia2 sumber tenaga tidak boleh diperbaharui tu.
sekembalinya dari kelas Ocean & Coastal Engineering tersebut, aku cuba gagahkan diri siapkan project yang perlu dipresent keesokan hari, oh dan ada test juga. kedua-duanya Design of Offshore Structures. tapi aku terus rasa lebih sejuk.
dan aku hanya mampu tidur sampai pagi esok.
pada hari-hari biasa, demam perkara biasa, namun babi dimusim ini mula mempopulari arena demam selesema sedunia.
rumet yang baik hati membawa aku ke klinik. mungkin aku tak mandi. keadaan fizikal agak sememeh, kebetulan macam biasa, klinik juga dipenuhi mangsa2 yang dikuarantin untuk regualr daily check-up.
mula2 ambik temperature, aku disahkan demam. tp rilek~ tunggu turn jumpa doktor baru leh tau apa yang sebenarnya.
tanpa disangka, perjumpaan beberapa minit itu Dr Saadah akhiri dgn lafaz 'haa ni kena kuarantin ni tau'
UTP telah mengamalkan sistem 'sape demam je kena kuarantin' ni sejak.. sejak.. ala yang masa awal2 sem aa kan.. mereka (later leh tukar kami plak) ditempatkan di bangunan kosong tanpa penghuni, untuk diasingkan supaya dapat di monitor incase mereka mempamerkan simptom2 selesema babi. for record, beratus2 orang yang dikuarantin tu, hanya beberapa orang yang disahkan positif H1N1.
bermula la saat itu.
lokasi: V2C, macam rumah fellow kot purpose asal die. fes things fes aku godek carik LAN port. astaghfirullah, xde. tp wireless signal ok, so setel aa..
waktu: van utp dtg ambik kitorg (mangsa2 kuarantin) dalam tengahari macam tu, trus anta stret sane.
meal: pagi- breakfast, roti, air.. lunch, nasik berlauk, air, kdg2 ada buah, dinner.. nasik berlauk lagi, kadang2 ada kuih, ngan air berperisa.. macam bukak pose je.
sah-sah aa aku susah makan, apatah lagi nak habiskan.
pihak2 berwajib yang wajar diberikan penghargaan
1) H1N1 team UTP secara general.. yg sediakan petempatan kuarantin yang selesa, makanan yang free, dan jadual ke klinik yang baik. walaupun saya sorang je perempuan manakala hampir 10 org yang lain lelaki, saya diberitahu, catering kitorg asing2.. the guys mengadu pagi tadi x dapat brekfes n nak lunch awal, tapi saya 'eh adeje bekfes?'
2) mak guard, disebabkan aku kne kuarantin tanpa perempuan lain, secara teknikal nya seorang makcik akan sentiasa ada diruang tamu menjaga aku sorang. walaupun bersilih ganti, mereka sama2 baik hati, makanan pun hantar kat katil, bgn2 je ade bungkusan makanan baru. pagi2 kejut pegi klinik..
3)doktor n medical assistant.. dr Saadah duty ari working days, ari week end, dr Liew.. baik hati dan caring terhadap kami..
4)driver van utp yg dtg pick up pagi2.. yang antaranya staff utp yg dalam H1N1 team yang berkorban cuti wekend mereka.
5)rakan2.. yang byk membantu sepanjang penahanan aku, dan juga menghiburkan kebosanan walaupun dari jauh..
6) lecturer yang memahami aku ponteng test ngan present projek. siap ckp 'isokey, focus on ur recovery test then only we talk about the those'
perkara kurang menarik
1) hari isnin cuti. aku masuk ari jumaat, keluar isnin. so sehari je MC?
2) miss PERONAS ability test ari sabtu. (aku xsure nak pegi tak pun in the fes place)
3) ponteng puasa 3 hari sepnjang tempoh tersebut. dan sehari lagi masa hari test ocean. berapa hari je aku puasa taun ni.
4) setelah tidak berjaya disorok dr pengetahuan family, mereka mula risau dan mencuba nak bawak aku balik untuk berubat cara homeophaty pula. tapi doktor cakap 'takpat!'. tapi yang pasti, aku cuma demam biasa saje.
5)waaa festaim kne drip.. 2 botol stret lak tu~ bile da release (berjaya gak aa temprature trus turun sehari kemudian) jarum plak lupa buang. las2 google sesedap rasa n cabut sendiri.
alhamdulillah.. aku fully recover dalam seminggu camtu kot..
sekali lagi.. terima kasih buat semua pihak dalam menangani issue global selesema babi ini
(pasnih agak2 ada tak orang search keyword babi jumpa blog aku? wakaka~~)
ramadhan yang lalu menyaksikan kesihatan aku goyah. aku disahkan menghidap demam. mungkin bermula hari khamis.. pada mulanya hanya sejuk dan kurang bermaya dalam kelas pagi-buta itu. namun, ah Pocket C, sejuk betul. terima kasih GDC, kau memang tak sia2 sumber tenaga tidak boleh diperbaharui tu.
sekembalinya dari kelas Ocean & Coastal Engineering tersebut, aku cuba gagahkan diri siapkan project yang perlu dipresent keesokan hari, oh dan ada test juga. kedua-duanya Design of Offshore Structures. tapi aku terus rasa lebih sejuk.
dan aku hanya mampu tidur sampai pagi esok.
pada hari-hari biasa, demam perkara biasa, namun babi dimusim ini mula mempopulari arena demam selesema sedunia.
rumet yang baik hati membawa aku ke klinik. mungkin aku tak mandi. keadaan fizikal agak sememeh, kebetulan macam biasa, klinik juga dipenuhi mangsa2 yang dikuarantin untuk regualr daily check-up.
mula2 ambik temperature, aku disahkan demam. tp rilek~ tunggu turn jumpa doktor baru leh tau apa yang sebenarnya.
tanpa disangka, perjumpaan beberapa minit itu Dr Saadah akhiri dgn lafaz 'haa ni kena kuarantin ni tau'
UTP telah mengamalkan sistem 'sape demam je kena kuarantin' ni sejak.. sejak.. ala yang masa awal2 sem aa kan.. mereka (later leh tukar kami plak) ditempatkan di bangunan kosong tanpa penghuni, untuk diasingkan supaya dapat di monitor incase mereka mempamerkan simptom2 selesema babi. for record, beratus2 orang yang dikuarantin tu, hanya beberapa orang yang disahkan positif H1N1.
bermula la saat itu.
lokasi: V2C, macam rumah fellow kot purpose asal die. fes things fes aku godek carik LAN port. astaghfirullah, xde. tp wireless signal ok, so setel aa..
waktu: van utp dtg ambik kitorg (mangsa2 kuarantin) dalam tengahari macam tu, trus anta stret sane.
meal: pagi- breakfast, roti, air.. lunch, nasik berlauk, air, kdg2 ada buah, dinner.. nasik berlauk lagi, kadang2 ada kuih, ngan air berperisa.. macam bukak pose je.
sah-sah aa aku susah makan, apatah lagi nak habiskan.
pihak2 berwajib yang wajar diberikan penghargaan
1) H1N1 team UTP secara general.. yg sediakan petempatan kuarantin yang selesa, makanan yang free, dan jadual ke klinik yang baik. walaupun saya sorang je perempuan manakala hampir 10 org yang lain lelaki, saya diberitahu, catering kitorg asing2.. the guys mengadu pagi tadi x dapat brekfes n nak lunch awal, tapi saya 'eh adeje bekfes?'
2) mak guard, disebabkan aku kne kuarantin tanpa perempuan lain, secara teknikal nya seorang makcik akan sentiasa ada diruang tamu menjaga aku sorang. walaupun bersilih ganti, mereka sama2 baik hati, makanan pun hantar kat katil, bgn2 je ade bungkusan makanan baru. pagi2 kejut pegi klinik..
3)doktor n medical assistant.. dr Saadah duty ari working days, ari week end, dr Liew.. baik hati dan caring terhadap kami..
4)driver van utp yg dtg pick up pagi2.. yang antaranya staff utp yg dalam H1N1 team yang berkorban cuti wekend mereka.
5)rakan2.. yang byk membantu sepanjang penahanan aku, dan juga menghiburkan kebosanan walaupun dari jauh..
6) lecturer yang memahami aku ponteng test ngan present projek. siap ckp 'isokey, focus on ur recovery test then only we talk about the those'
perkara kurang menarik
1) hari isnin cuti. aku masuk ari jumaat, keluar isnin. so sehari je MC?
2) miss PERONAS ability test ari sabtu. (aku xsure nak pegi tak pun in the fes place)
3) ponteng puasa 3 hari sepnjang tempoh tersebut. dan sehari lagi masa hari test ocean. berapa hari je aku puasa taun ni.
4) setelah tidak berjaya disorok dr pengetahuan family, mereka mula risau dan mencuba nak bawak aku balik untuk berubat cara homeophaty pula. tapi doktor cakap 'takpat!'. tapi yang pasti, aku cuma demam biasa saje.
5)waaa festaim kne drip.. 2 botol stret lak tu~ bile da release (berjaya gak aa temprature trus turun sehari kemudian) jarum plak lupa buang. las2 google sesedap rasa n cabut sendiri.
alhamdulillah.. aku fully recover dalam seminggu camtu kot..
sekali lagi.. terima kasih buat semua pihak dalam menangani issue global selesema babi ini
(pasnih agak2 ada tak orang search keyword babi jumpa blog aku? wakaka~~)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
linux for non-g33k
aku jumpa satu karangan menarik. berbaloi duh baca. korang baca la skali.
tak kisah la korang linux user ke luser ke.. (luser tu lawan bg user. paham2 korang je ah)
so here goes~
taken from linux hater blog
some are true, at least for me. aku memang obses lebih dengan wobbly windows tu.. hihi
selaku end user yang tegar, tak salah aku guna linux.
dari dulu suka2 je format pc. bila keluar windows vista yang jauh dari panggang dia punya compatibility dgn laptop, aku tau, aku kena move on.
masa tu memang segala ebook collection aku redah. bukan paham sangat padahal, tapi tak kisah la.. bukan baca betul2..
masalah nya masa tu.. aku takde space.. fomat pun satu partition je selalu.. celah mana nak bekap data suma
tapi tanak kalah gak~ buat jugak dual boot, dengan xp sp3, version yang vista-like. kahkah.. bila dah biasa guna vista betul, takdela wow sangat kot..
las2 sampaila seru suka2 try fedora. sempatla dua edition pakai.. then pergi MSOSCONF 09 pow pulak byk2 distro punya cd. apalagi.. install fest la laptop aku..
yang lekat dihati skang ubuntu.. tapi distro lain pun tetap menawan hati gak..
guna command line interface pun tak susah sangat nak explore pc. belajar-able la orang kate~
haa kat seblah tu korang boleh nampak.. ade yang baru nak release lagi.. karmic koala namanya
dengan cite GNOME pun da ade baru.. ni la satu best yang tak dapat tempat lain.. keep us excited!
terima kasih para developers!
bersama melaksanakan 1linux: linux for non-g33k
tak kisah la korang linux user ke luser ke.. (luser tu lawan bg user. paham2 korang je ah)
so here goes~
taken from linux hater blog
I'm sure all of this is already in y'all's blood. But you know, I figured I should write it down for all the noobs out there. They need to learn how to behave properly as a luser.jadi macam mana? make sense tak? haha memang blog tu agak exxagerate la jugak sebenanya.
- If something doesn't work for you, tell yourself that you don't really need it anyways.
- Convert at least five others to user your distribution of choice. Even against their will. Do whatever it takes. Lie about how it makes such a great OS. Tell them the people at the NYSE use it. Tell them it gets less viruses. Tell them it runs on their toaster, so it's awesome. If they resist, here's some things you can do:
- Do NOT research Microsoft security technologies. Instead, just point solely to Windows 95 and UAC as examples of poor security on Windows
- Tell them that they can install thousands, no millions, of apps with a single command.
- Tell them that they'll have choice. Do not tell them that they'll have to make tons of choices which they know nothing about.
- If they are non-programmers, tell them that it's a fantastic opportunity to get into programming and spend hours and hours to make their system work.
- Question their manhood or womanhood.
- Accuse them of spreading FUD.
- If they're Mac users, accuse them of blatant homosexuality. Then tell them that they're spending way too much money. Show them your wobbly windows.
- If they point out that they won't be able to do something that they could before, tell them that they didn't really need to do that anyways.
- A year later, convert them to your new distribution of choice.
- When you have a configuration problem, do one or more of:
- File a bug, without doing any research on the problem.
- If you're really in the mood, find a totally unrelated bug, and post a comment along the lines of, "Hey, I think this might be related ..."
- If you're actually partially smart and have found the appropriate bug report, post a comment saying 'Me too!', even though there are already 300 of the same. It really helps developers when their bug report pages are really long. You see, they judge the importance of a bug by how short their scrollbar grabby-thing gets.
- Post to Ubuntuforums. Be sure to sound really spoiled.
- Tell yourself that you don't need that feature. Tell yourself that if you wait patiently you'll have it in 2 years, maybe.
- Write something along the lines of "I totally need this feature XXX to work. Someone help me" to every mailing list you can find that ends with -devel.
- When others have problems, do one or more of:
- Tell them that it works for you, and give no further information. New users must learn on their own. Remember this. It's for their own good.
- If you're a little more motivated, tell them that it works for you, and then tell them about your hardware that is totally different from theirs.
- Never reveal that you actually have no idea what you're talking about. Suggest random solutions like patching their kernel.
- If they're trying to watch some video or listen to some music in a non-free format, drop some knowledge on them about how they're poisoning society. Trust me, everyone really cares. They're just too stupid to know to care.
- If all else fails, yes, you can tell them that they don't really need that feature. By wanting it, they're just prolonging their addiction to useful software.
- Most importantly, write blogs, comment on blogs, post on forums , anything, to tell people that your Linux desktop does everything you need, but make sure you know absolutely nothing about the proprietary software workflows that exist on other platforms. It's really important that you have a "clean room" opinion, unaffected by the imperfections of the real world.
some are true, at least for me. aku memang obses lebih dengan wobbly windows tu.. hihi
selaku end user yang tegar, tak salah aku guna linux.
dari dulu suka2 je format pc. bila keluar windows vista yang jauh dari panggang dia punya compatibility dgn laptop, aku tau, aku kena move on.
masa tu memang segala ebook collection aku redah. bukan paham sangat padahal, tapi tak kisah la.. bukan baca betul2..
masalah nya masa tu.. aku takde space.. fomat pun satu partition je selalu.. celah mana nak bekap data suma
tapi tanak kalah gak~ buat jugak dual boot, dengan xp sp3, version yang vista-like. kahkah.. bila dah biasa guna vista betul, takdela wow sangat kot..
las2 sampaila seru suka2 try fedora. sempatla dua edition pakai.. then pergi MSOSCONF 09 pow pulak byk2 distro punya cd. apalagi.. install fest la laptop aku..
yang lekat dihati skang ubuntu.. tapi distro lain pun tetap menawan hati gak..
guna command line interface pun tak susah sangat nak explore pc. belajar-able la orang kate~
haa kat seblah tu korang boleh nampak.. ade yang baru nak release lagi.. karmic koala namanya
dengan cite GNOME pun da ade baru.. ni la satu best yang tak dapat tempat lain.. keep us excited!
terima kasih para developers!
bersama melaksanakan 1linux: linux for non-g33k
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday's Embun Mission
a peaceful landscsape in UTP
i always adore the pavements here that connects the cafetaria building with the hostel.
just like the setting in SEPI, the beautiful movie that i watch over and over again.
its in Taiping, if my memory serves me right.
i have to shoot this very frame, again.
reason being is that the shadow of the braches that shades the walkway that never failed cacthes my eyes.
maybe sometimes in the noon.
(note that this picture is taken early in the morning)
i hope u can absorb some kind of peaceful feeling, too ^_^
Friday, October 23, 2009
another tweet-able scene
bukan aku: <-- kelakar kan kalo g sane?
aku: err. kelakar? maksudnye.. (while looking at the page showing table 1: physical properties of fuel oil no 2).. u mean, flash point? the viscosity? sori i cant relate those two; the table n ur statement
bukan aku: meh nak pes skali gi.. mnde lampi bebeno ni <-- beskan kalo g sane?
aku: tu la aku tanye.. ape kaitan camtu.. maaf
bukan aku: ouhhh maaf.. terpaste link yang aku nak injek pula. saye memang melampau! anda dibenarkan untuk carut skang.. i deserve it. really.
aku: ... (practically senyum n stay cool)
* based on true story
** so pasneh kalo nak silap ctrl+v pun make sure link tu ends dgn /shadow or show me some far more interesting tables
ok now u r supposed to laugh out loudsss
i tweeted: have u ever looking at some statistic of growth rate population and suggesting 2 ur fren that 'kalo makan ni x abes woo'
/me away lulz-ing
open source
Monday, October 19, 2009
of sex issue
we always been told not to be sexist.
gender equalization and whatnot.
tapi at the same time, pergaulan bebas perlu dielakkan.
keruntuhan sosial n moral is a thing we shouldn't take part into.
thing is.. no matter how the world is talking and presenting the statistic on how women outnumbered men in general, i always found it differently.
i have more brothers that sisters, i have more uncles than aunts..
i have more guy friends than girl friends
i had had more male colleagues than the female ones.
is it me doing n fancy for things less lady-like?
is it my field n interest that requires me mingle with more non female species?
now if i were to be at somewhere for good reason, not merely berhibur n lagha.. say its kinda work that i liked
what do i do if.. the majority is not-female.. or.. if.. no other female?
whereby there might be a limited resource which practically means that we also have to share..
will u accept to bear with the challenge and survive anyway
just reject the owh-soo-long-awaited opportunity just because u care about the perception of others
is it the moral value that u have to stick to?
which one sounds like the more right thing to do?
gender equalization and whatnot.
tapi at the same time, pergaulan bebas perlu dielakkan.
keruntuhan sosial n moral is a thing we shouldn't take part into.
thing is.. no matter how the world is talking and presenting the statistic on how women outnumbered men in general, i always found it differently.
i have more brothers that sisters, i have more uncles than aunts..
i have more guy friends than girl friends
i had had more male colleagues than the female ones.
is it me doing n fancy for things less lady-like?
is it my field n interest that requires me mingle with more non female species?
now if i were to be at somewhere for good reason, not merely berhibur n lagha.. say its kinda work that i liked
what do i do if.. the majority is not-female.. or.. if.. no other female?
whereby there might be a limited resource which practically means that we also have to share..
will u accept to bear with the challenge and survive anyway
just reject the owh-soo-long-awaited opportunity just because u care about the perception of others
is it the moral value that u have to stick to?
which one sounds like the more right thing to do?
Sunday, October 18, 2009
jumaat lepas, kami semua mensyukuri nikmat cuti umum dengan berkunjung ke Ulu Chepor.
cantik tempatnya, pokok2 meneduhi pusat mandi manda pilihan kami, takdela sunburnt kang, hihi
perkelahan kami sangat awesome dengan proper brunch, air kelapa, kuih muih dan guess what, durian pun ade skali~! enak sungguh perut kami. menjamu selera diselang selikan dgn merendam perut didalam air adalah sungguh indah~
sejam kemudian.. runtuhan awan mula berlaku.. disamping air yang semakin deras, titisan hujan turut menyimbah kami. kami bergegas pulang. itulah yang telah kami deal dalam safety briefing pada awal sesi perkelahan kami tadi.
namun percutian kami tidak ends begitu sahaja.. dengan dressing n mekap yang agak melebih2 dari hari biasa walaupun baru mandi sungai, kami plan nak pegi ipoh pula. bukan nak kata apa la, kan.. macam nak pegi mane je mekap sungguh2, tapi rupanya selipar adalah sungguh x suits the theme. ahh, selipar jamban pun redah aje~
apapun, perut jugak yang diutamakan, lalu kami makan dalam bilik seperti dalam gambar.. kebetulan pula ada mesin nyanyi. percuma pulak tu.. kami tekan dan jerit je la apa yang patut.
saje attach gamba sekecik yang boleh.. kang obvious pulak mekap kami yang memang obvious pun ni..
cantik tempatnya, pokok2 meneduhi pusat mandi manda pilihan kami, takdela sunburnt kang, hihi
perkelahan kami sangat awesome dengan proper brunch, air kelapa, kuih muih dan guess what, durian pun ade skali~! enak sungguh perut kami. menjamu selera diselang selikan dgn merendam perut didalam air adalah sungguh indah~
sejam kemudian.. runtuhan awan mula berlaku.. disamping air yang semakin deras, titisan hujan turut menyimbah kami. kami bergegas pulang. itulah yang telah kami deal dalam safety briefing pada awal sesi perkelahan kami tadi.
namun percutian kami tidak ends begitu sahaja.. dengan dressing n mekap yang agak melebih2 dari hari biasa walaupun baru mandi sungai, kami plan nak pegi ipoh pula. bukan nak kata apa la, kan.. macam nak pegi mane je mekap sungguh2, tapi rupanya selipar adalah sungguh x suits the theme. ahh, selipar jamban pun redah aje~
apapun, perut jugak yang diutamakan, lalu kami makan dalam bilik seperti dalam gambar.. kebetulan pula ada mesin nyanyi. percuma pulak tu.. kami tekan dan jerit je la apa yang patut.
all in all.. we had soooo much fun~!! wheeee~~~~
outdoor activity,
Saturday, October 17, 2009
change the MAC address
for some reason, you might want to change the MAC address.. its ok, i wont judge u, chill~!
so lets do it in the ubuntu way
1) open the /etc/network/interface
first get to know ur current MAC number.
type ifconfig and look for HWaddr in the eth0 field.
3) restart.
thank you for reading ~!
so lets do it in the ubuntu way
1) open the /etc/network/interface
sudo nano /etc/network/interface2) add this line
ok here's the important part# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
hwaddress ether 01:02:03:04:05:06 #ur new MAC address
first get to know ur current MAC number.
type ifconfig and look for HWaddr in the eth0 field.
3) restart.
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restartnotice that ur IP address will be assigned to a new one and here is the fedora way
thank you for reading ~!
open source,
Monday, October 12, 2009
c.o.o.l.n.e.s.s redefined
ok this is really, really interesting.
remember once upon a time i did ask around on how to connect LAN n WIFI at once?
i was still young and still with fedora back then. (lasem or awal semni je pun~)
i didn't manage to do it and considering the LAN connection is better then the wifi, and found a better way to get rid of the network policy block thingy so i dont care much anymore.
but today.. without any effort.. it. just. happened.
sooooo essing (seriously) cool~!
am just switched to wifi for few minutes, i get back to the lan connection, but in my xp (the vm) the ip looks different. plus the other numbers looks like the wifi connection is currently turned on. really, i was like soooo 'ouh really' when the page redirected to the streamyx login page. (and yes, the GadisHub also went off because of this)
b4 i've never tried to use the wifi connection on the xp because i guess its not yet installed. not sure though, i just played the freshly-formatted image from someone.
any body care to explain the science behind?
the ip table looks normal and no routing alteration has been done.
remember once upon a time i did ask around on how to connect LAN n WIFI at once?
i was still young and still with fedora back then. (lasem or awal semni je pun~)
i didn't manage to do it and considering the LAN connection is better then the wifi, and found a better way to get rid of the network policy block thingy so i dont care much anymore.
but today.. without any effort.. it. just. happened.
sooooo essing (seriously) cool~!
am just switched to wifi for few minutes, i get back to the lan connection, but in my xp (the vm) the ip looks different. plus the other numbers looks like the wifi connection is currently turned on. really, i was like soooo 'ouh really' when the page redirected to the streamyx login page. (and yes, the GadisHub also went off because of this)
b4 i've never tried to use the wifi connection on the xp because i guess its not yet installed. not sure though, i just played the freshly-formatted image from someone.
any body care to explain the science behind?
the ip table looks normal and no routing alteration has been done.
fedora 11,
open source,
virtual machine
catch of the day: 1 more access.
(12:31:35 PM) aalim: buzz
(01:45:47 PM) a***** o/
(01:46:13 PM) aalim: ad mirc x?
(01:46:18 PM) aalim: tlg connect o******e.u*****t.n*t:***
(01:46:18 PM) aalim: tengok bleh ke tak
(01:46:25 PM) aalim: pstu tlg nmap -p443 -sV o******e.u*****t.n*t:***
(01:46:29 PM) aalim: tengok result
(01:46:42 PM) aalim: :D
(01:49:24 PM) aalim: bleh dop :D
(01:50:15 PM) a***** xleh kenek
(01:50:36 PM) aalim: try http://o******e.u*****t.n*t:***
(01:51:14 PM) a***** xwish aku gulak pun
(01:51:21 PM) a***** de ineview kut rini
(01:52:43 PM) aalim: all the best
(01:52:48 PM) aalim: dok tau kot
(01:52:48 PM) aalim: interview pet?
(01:53:34 PM)a***** xtanye~
(01:54:55 PM) a***** bkn
(01:55:01 PM) a***** jd technician je
(01:55:06 PM) aalim: cesss
(01:55:17 PM) aalim: kul brp?
(01:55:54 PM) a***** patutnye ptg ni
(01:55:59 PM)a***** tp td ade kosong
(01:56:01 PM) a***** da masok
(01:56:03 PM) aalim: erk
(01:56:05 PM) a***** da siap aa kire
(01:56:14 PM) aalim: owh
(01:56:42 PM) a***** Starting Nmap 4.76 ( ) at 2009-10-12 13:53 MYT
SCRIPT ENGINE: '/usr/share/nmap/scripts/skype_v2-version.nse' threw a run time error and could not be loaded.
SCRIPT ENGINE: '/usr/share/nmap/scripts/iax2Detect.nse' threw a run time error and could not be loaded.
SCRIPT ENGINE: '/usr/share/nmap/scripts/PPTPversion.nse' threw a run time error and could not be loaded.
Interesting ports on (*.*.*.*):
*/tcp filtered https
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 9.39 seconds
(01:58:02 PM) aalim: filtered
(01:58:05 PM) aalim: ish
(01:58:09 PM) aalim: mender ape byk error tuh
(01:58:36 PM) a***** akunye ke error tu?
(01:58:47 PM) aalim: ntah
(01:59:19 PM) a***** slame ni akuwat xde pun error gtu
(01:59:38 PM) aalim: hurm..
(01:59:43 PM) aalim: k k
(01:59:51 PM) aalim: cuba test http://o******e.u*****t.n*t:***
(02:00:01 PM) a***** xleh
(02:00:13 PM) aalim: http://*.*.*.*
(02:00:19 PM) aalim: try tuh
(02:00:43 PM) a*****
You have accessed an Internet site blocked by internet policy:
This site is categorised as:
(02:00:47 PM) a***** hihi
(02:01:05 PM) a***** username paswed?
(02:01:42 PM) aalim: uiks
(02:01:48 PM) aalim: bleh bukak ke tak neh
(02:02:48 PM) a***** buleh
(02:02:52 PM) a***** sbenanye xleh
(02:04:07 PM) aalim: ish2
(02:04:07 PM) aalim: hack r tu
(02:04:07 PM) aalim: kena tutup port kan
(02:04:12 PM)a***** manede
(02:04:18 PM) a***** kne blok je pun
(02:04:38 PM) aalim: pergh
(02:05:11 PM) aalim: uiks
(02:05:15 PM) aalim: mana entry yang resume tuh
(02:05:34 PM) a***** mehla username ppaswed uh
(02:06:13 PM) aalim: haish
(02:06:16 PM) a***** buang ah, malu org tegok
(02:06:18 PM)a***** wakaka
(02:06:23 PM) aalim: hack r
(02:06:26 PM) aalim: hahaha
(02:06:29 PM) aalim: biar je r
(02:06:31 PM) aalim: nice pe entry tu
(02:06:37 PM) aalim: https://*.*.*.*:*.
(02:06:40 PM) aalim: try tuh
(02:06:41 PM) aalim: bleh x
(02:11:16 PM) a***** camxlehje
(02:11:25 PM) a***** taking too long to respond
(02:12:52 PM) aalim: hurm..
(02:12:56 PM) a***** buleh2
(02:13:00 PM) a***** kne gune https
(02:13:03 PM) a***** jap ek
(02:13:04 PM) aalim: error
(02:13:25 PM) a***** sameje
(02:13:29 PM)a***** meh je aa
(02:13:34 PM) a***** user pw
(02:13:39 PM) aalim: same je mender
(02:13:42 PM) aalim: hish
(02:13:49 PM) aalim: wat naper username n passwd
(02:13:58 PM) a***** dh tu xleh masok aa
(02:14:06 PM) a***** ala bkn aku wat pape pon
(02:14:38 PM) aalim: haha
(02:14:40 PM) aalim: ampes
(02:14:59 PM) a***** oo xcaye kt aku~
(02:15:53 PM) aalim: lagi2
(02:15:55 PM) aalim: try irc
(02:16:04 PM) aalim: o******e.u*****t.n*t:***
(02:16:31 PM) a***** klu try dpt admin accs x?
(02:17:06 PM) aalim: dapat2
(02:17:16 PM) a***** ahh false hope
(02:17:26 PM) aalim: haish
(02:17:46 PM) a***** pes log kat blog ah gni
(02:18:11 PM) aalim: haha
(02:18:28 PM) aalim: dapat admin acs.. tapi bila dapat, x tau
(02:18:29 PM) aalim: haha
(02:18:59 PM) a***** meh lu paswed
(02:19:15 PM) a***** g add skang
(02:19:21 PM) a***** kang lupe
(02:20:02 PM) a***** xlehkenek pun
(02:23:49 PM) aalim: haha
(02:23:51 PM) aalim: nnt r
(02:23:57 PM) aalim: modem weng.. x leh nk wat dmz
(02:24:01 PM) aalim: bengong sungguh
(02:25:25 PM) a***** ok deal.
(02:26:19 PM) aalim: haha
(02:26:20 PM) aalim: ampes
(02:29:30 PM) a***** -away updet blog-
(02:29:36 PM) aalim: k
(01:45:47 PM) a***** o/
(01:46:13 PM) aalim: ad mirc x?
(01:46:18 PM) aalim: tlg connect o******e.u*****t.n*t:***
(01:46:18 PM) aalim: tengok bleh ke tak
(01:46:25 PM) aalim: pstu tlg nmap -p443 -sV o******e.u*****t.n*t:***
(01:46:29 PM) aalim: tengok result
(01:46:42 PM) aalim: :D
(01:49:24 PM) aalim: bleh dop :D
(01:50:15 PM) a***** xleh kenek
(01:50:36 PM) aalim: try http://o******e.u*****t.n*t:***
(01:51:14 PM) a***** xwish aku gulak pun
(01:51:21 PM) a***** de ineview kut rini
(01:52:43 PM) aalim: all the best
(01:52:48 PM) aalim: dok tau kot
(01:52:48 PM) aalim: interview pet?
(01:53:34 PM)a***** xtanye~
(01:54:55 PM) a***** bkn
(01:55:01 PM) a***** jd technician je
(01:55:06 PM) aalim: cesss
(01:55:17 PM) aalim: kul brp?
(01:55:54 PM) a***** patutnye ptg ni
(01:55:59 PM)a***** tp td ade kosong
(01:56:01 PM) a***** da masok
(01:56:03 PM) aalim: erk
(01:56:05 PM) a***** da siap aa kire
(01:56:14 PM) aalim: owh
(01:56:42 PM) a***** Starting Nmap 4.76 ( ) at 2009-10-12 13:53 MYT
SCRIPT ENGINE: '/usr/share/nmap/scripts/skype_v2-version.nse' threw a run time error and could not be loaded.
SCRIPT ENGINE: '/usr/share/nmap/scripts/iax2Detect.nse' threw a run time error and could not be loaded.
SCRIPT ENGINE: '/usr/share/nmap/scripts/PPTPversion.nse' threw a run time error and could not be loaded.
Interesting ports on (*.*.*.*):
*/tcp filtered https
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 9.39 seconds
(01:58:02 PM) aalim: filtered
(01:58:05 PM) aalim: ish
(01:58:09 PM) aalim: mender ape byk error tuh
(01:58:36 PM) a***** akunye ke error tu?
(01:58:47 PM) aalim: ntah
(01:59:19 PM) a***** slame ni akuwat xde pun error gtu
(01:59:38 PM) aalim: hurm..
(01:59:43 PM) aalim: k k
(01:59:51 PM) aalim: cuba test http://o******e.u*****t.n*t:***
(02:00:01 PM) a***** xleh
(02:00:13 PM) aalim: http://*.*.*.*
(02:00:19 PM) aalim: try tuh
(02:00:43 PM) a*****
You have accessed an Internet site blocked by internet policy:
This site is categorised as:
(02:00:47 PM) a***** hihi
(02:01:05 PM) a***** username paswed?
(02:01:42 PM) aalim: uiks
(02:01:48 PM) aalim: bleh bukak ke tak neh
(02:02:48 PM) a***** buleh
(02:02:52 PM) a***** sbenanye xleh
(02:04:07 PM) aalim: ish2
(02:04:07 PM) aalim: hack r tu
(02:04:07 PM) aalim: kena tutup port kan
(02:04:12 PM)a***** manede
(02:04:18 PM) a***** kne blok je pun
(02:04:38 PM) aalim: pergh
(02:05:11 PM) aalim: uiks
(02:05:15 PM) aalim: mana entry yang resume tuh
(02:05:34 PM) a***** mehla username ppaswed uh
(02:06:13 PM) aalim: haish
(02:06:16 PM) a***** buang ah, malu org tegok
(02:06:18 PM)a***** wakaka
(02:06:23 PM) aalim: hack r
(02:06:26 PM) aalim: hahaha
(02:06:29 PM) aalim: biar je r
(02:06:31 PM) aalim: nice pe entry tu
(02:06:37 PM) aalim: https://*.*.*.*:*.
(02:06:40 PM) aalim: try tuh
(02:06:41 PM) aalim: bleh x
(02:11:16 PM) a***** camxlehje
(02:11:25 PM) a***** taking too long to respond
(02:12:52 PM) aalim: hurm..
(02:12:56 PM) a***** buleh2
(02:13:00 PM) a***** kne gune https
(02:13:03 PM) a***** jap ek
(02:13:04 PM) aalim: error
(02:13:25 PM) a***** sameje
(02:13:29 PM)a***** meh je aa
(02:13:34 PM) a***** user pw
(02:13:39 PM) aalim: same je mender
(02:13:42 PM) aalim: hish
(02:13:49 PM) aalim: wat naper username n passwd
(02:13:58 PM) a***** dh tu xleh masok aa
(02:14:06 PM) a***** ala bkn aku wat pape pon
(02:14:38 PM) aalim: haha
(02:14:40 PM) aalim: ampes
(02:14:59 PM) a***** oo xcaye kt aku~
(02:15:53 PM) aalim: lagi2
(02:15:55 PM) aalim: try irc
(02:16:04 PM) aalim: o******e.u*****t.n*t:***
(02:16:31 PM) a***** klu try dpt admin accs x?
(02:17:06 PM) aalim: dapat2
(02:17:16 PM) a***** ahh false hope
(02:17:26 PM) aalim: haish
(02:17:46 PM) a***** pes log kat blog ah gni
(02:18:11 PM) aalim: haha
(02:18:28 PM) aalim: dapat admin acs.. tapi bila dapat, x tau
(02:18:29 PM) aalim: haha
(02:18:59 PM) a***** meh lu paswed
(02:19:15 PM) a***** g add skang
(02:19:21 PM) a***** kang lupe
(02:20:02 PM) a***** xlehkenek pun
(02:23:49 PM) aalim: haha
(02:23:51 PM) aalim: nnt r
(02:23:57 PM) aalim: modem weng.. x leh nk wat dmz
(02:24:01 PM) aalim: bengong sungguh
(02:25:25 PM) a***** ok deal.
(02:26:19 PM) aalim: haha
(02:26:20 PM) aalim: ampes
(02:29:30 PM) a***** -away updet blog-
(02:29:36 PM) aalim: k
open source
Sunday, October 11, 2009
will you click on this?
because.. you see, i've got a new welcoming message up there
i hope you like it
i hope you like it
Monday, October 5, 2009
jaga kau lipas.
dapur aku banyak lipas. aku tatau apasal tapi lipas-lipas itu just banyak, without no apparent reason. aku tak suka masak, so dont put the blame on me, aku tak ada bahan mentah didapur.
sebotol sunquick, sepeket megi yang dah luak, separuh bag nestum coklet yang tak sedap, susu n milo dah habis. dan semua tu bukan daya penarik lipas.
aku pegi dapur nak basuh tangan. segarkan diri, kata aku.
sampai depan sinki dapur, rasa something di kaki. aku tengok tak ada apa pun.
on the way ke bilik, aku nampak lipas.
tidak, aku tak pijak lipas tu. serius. jangan ragui aku. lagi tambah geli aku adalah~
steady je balik bilik. aku rasa geli lipas pijak kaki aku masih bersisa.
lepas ni kena pegi basuh kaki pulak.
banyak siot kerja aku. kejap basuh tangan kejap basuh kaki. habis bila nak siap kerja skolah aku?
p/s: perasan tak, aku cuba taip melayu betul? ok juga, kan? bukan apa, asyik tulis tanpa hiraukan tatabahasa pun tak elok juga kan untuk minda.
sebotol sunquick, sepeket megi yang dah luak, separuh bag nestum coklet yang tak sedap, susu n milo dah habis. dan semua tu bukan daya penarik lipas.
aku pegi dapur nak basuh tangan. segarkan diri, kata aku.
sampai depan sinki dapur, rasa something di kaki. aku tengok tak ada apa pun.
on the way ke bilik, aku nampak lipas.
tidak, aku tak pijak lipas tu. serius. jangan ragui aku. lagi tambah geli aku adalah~
steady je balik bilik. aku rasa geli lipas pijak kaki aku masih bersisa.
lepas ni kena pegi basuh kaki pulak.
banyak siot kerja aku. kejap basuh tangan kejap basuh kaki. habis bila nak siap kerja skolah aku?
p/s: perasan tak, aku cuba taip melayu betul? ok juga, kan? bukan apa, asyik tulis tanpa hiraukan tatabahasa pun tak elok juga kan untuk minda.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
jaga kau nyamuk.
aku cukup tak suka dengan nyamuk. mana-mana aku pergi, mesti aku orang pertama ia nak hisap darah. apa tak cukup ke the fact that darah aku low hB, ia nak huru-harakan lagi composition biologi aku?
pastu kalau diam2 ok lagi, tapi kalau da start keluar bunyi ia tu.. memang tak tahan. kalau boleh disable telinga, mmg aku siap letak plugin untuk trigger cepat2 off. tapi tak boleh.
aku cukup anti dengan nyamuk.
tadi ada satu.
terbang2 hinggap kat baju pastu terbang balik.
hey bukan kau nyamuk betina ke?
aku dah tak tahan. tak sanggup darahku jadi korban. atau roomate aku. atau housemate aku.
'nyamuuk'. aku menjerit kecil. tak anggun la kalau jerit kuat-kuat macam tengok hamster makan anak sendiri.
'haa.. kena!'
aku sanitize tangan aku.
pastu kalau diam2 ok lagi, tapi kalau da start keluar bunyi ia tu.. memang tak tahan. kalau boleh disable telinga, mmg aku siap letak plugin untuk trigger cepat2 off. tapi tak boleh.
aku cukup anti dengan nyamuk.
tadi ada satu.
terbang2 hinggap kat baju pastu terbang balik.
hey bukan kau nyamuk betina ke?
aku dah tak tahan. tak sanggup darahku jadi korban. atau roomate aku. atau housemate aku.
'nyamuuk'. aku menjerit kecil. tak anggun la kalau jerit kuat-kuat macam tengok hamster makan anak sendiri.
'haa.. kena!'
aku sanitize tangan aku.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
boleh tak?
salahkah kalo kite sayang orang yang tak sepatutnya more than the ones that we should?
ouh.. saye sayang sumerang..
don't get me wrong
(as if~)
but the degree of sayang tu yang makes me.. perhaps, guilty?
tapi.. tak salah, kan?
ouh.. saye sayang sumerang..
don't get me wrong
(as if~)
but the degree of sayang tu yang makes me.. perhaps, guilty?
tapi.. tak salah, kan?
panel problem solved
since last few weeks, i removed my bottom panel to fully utilize the all-beautiful Avant Windows Manager. but now i added the panel back in place
by default, the newly added panel is empty. i'm familiar with workspace switcher and many other panel plugins but doesn't seem to have any idea on this tiny boxes, not even the name. (must be another jargon, urghh)
1) right click on the panel
2) add to panel
3) add the Window List (Switch between open windows using button)
don't fancy problems?
do nothing, at all.
since last few weeks, i removed my bottom panel to fully utilize the all-beautiful Avant Windows Manager. but now i added the panel back in place
1) right click on the panel
2) add to panel
3) add the Window List (Switch between open windows using button)
don't fancy problems?
do nothing, at all.
open source,
Thursday, October 1, 2009
cara (agak) mudah muat turun dari youtube
kiss it if you want it
1) dapatkan url video youtube. cara paling mudah buat saya yang kurang minat tengok video klip ialah entertain request dari DC++. tambahkan huruf huruf ini di url 'k,i,s,s' supaya kelihatan seperti there, you should now be able to download your favourite clips with your favourite download manager/accelerator
p/s: this method is OS-independent and of course, there are plenty of ways to get it done. one of my fav is youtube-dl which doesnt even requires to use the web browser.
best of luck and salam aidilfitri
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
of being cool
cool, kan?
k3wl~ , kan?
bila atau apa yang buat kita rasa lebih cool/k3wl?
depends, kinda case specific.
i think i am one.
tak puas hati? dengki?
as expected. dunia memang macam ni.
i've seen it on movies.
k3wl~ , kan?
bila atau apa yang buat kita rasa lebih cool/k3wl?
depends, kinda case specific.
i think i am one.
tak puas hati? dengki?
as expected. dunia memang macam ni.
i've seen it on movies.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
no suitable title, but anyway..

selaen drpada conversation yg menginsafkan.. sile perhatikan aku tgh wat esaimen sbenanye.. pastu bile nak stadi test?
gudlak for me, and fellow frens.. T__T
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
problem of the day
1. couldn't start applications under the administrative task.
the error
xauthorization bla2..
2. google and found that it actually just need a restart which actually might makes sense because i just installed my vmware. so there i go, long abandoned restart button.
3. then couldn't login due to no free spaces, so the GDM cant create session n login not possible.
that's the error msg.. and i was like, trying to change session, but i don't have much of desktop environment anyway. so none will get me into the system. not even the terminal session.
4. panic mode.. haha.. ok, not really, i always had problems anyway so its no use to be that panic.
5. grab the live cd. my only hope that i could think of.
6. on terminal: sudo su, to be the root that can access my home folder.
7. on file browser, copy files from folders in home folder.. apparently i cant delete or cut-&-paste the files
8. remove the original files to free some spaces up.
9. things went ok when restarted.
living open source way is not always that beautiful.
the error
xauthorization bla2..
2. google and found that it actually just need a restart which actually might makes sense because i just installed my vmware. so there i go, long abandoned restart button.
3. then couldn't login due to no free spaces, so the GDM cant create session n login not possible.
that's the error msg.. and i was like, trying to change session, but i don't have much of desktop environment anyway. so none will get me into the system. not even the terminal session.
4. panic mode.. haha.. ok, not really, i always had problems anyway so its no use to be that panic.
5. grab the live cd. my only hope that i could think of.
6. on terminal: sudo su, to be the root that can access my home folder.
7. on file browser, copy files from folders in home folder.. apparently i cant delete or cut-&-paste the files
8. remove the original files to free some spaces up.
9. things went ok when restarted.
living open source way is not always that beautiful.
open source,
Monday, September 14, 2009
cakap la sikit kat mana-mana Shiretoko.. ni tidak..
ok macam ni.. bila kita format, installer tu biasanya bundled dengan applications yang latest pada masa tu. ok fine.. walopun agak bengang kenapa beta version, tapi boleh je update. fine. yang versi baru belom release. fine.
lepas tu.. update kadang-kadang bukan boleh main yum main apt-get saje, kena install baru.. ok fine..
google sana google sini, jumpa solution.
ada beberapa package yang tak auto marked-to-install rupanya.
dah siap suma.. cek balik version application tu..
apa? tak berubah?!
rupa-rupanya, nama application tu dah lain. icon pun lain.
apasal takde sape penah sebut yang mozilla firefox version 3.5.2 ialah Shiretoko?
dah berapa lama dah ada pun tak tahulah..
ni macam yang deer park dulu kot. icon biru.
adakah perkara aneh ni berlaku kat aku sorang je?
lepas tu.. update kadang-kadang bukan boleh main yum main apt-get saje, kena install baru.. ok fine..
google sana google sini, jumpa solution.
ada beberapa package yang tak auto marked-to-install rupanya.
dah siap suma.. cek balik version application tu..
apa? tak berubah?!
rupa-rupanya, nama application tu dah lain. icon pun lain.
apasal takde sape penah sebut yang mozilla firefox version 3.5.2 ialah Shiretoko?
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090803 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Shiretoko/3.5.2
dah berapa lama dah ada pun tak tahulah..
ni macam yang deer park dulu kot. icon biru.
adakah perkara aneh ni berlaku kat aku sorang je?
open source,
Saturday, September 12, 2009
ramadhan yang lalu
album di facebook
malas nak bercerita..
komen dan kritik kalu?
malas nak bercerita..
komen dan kritik kalu?
Friday, September 11, 2009
engineer pun nak tangkap gambar lah
semak, semak.
orang lain macam dah merdeka
tapi aku
assignment, report, test..
tape.. sakit tu satu dugaan
nikmat makan kne tarik balik pun satu dugaan
ponteng puasa pun satu dugaan.
besok dah raya dugaan ganti pose.
perghh terbanyak dalam history, gaya orang beranak bulan pose.
so bape hari total aku pose?
semak sungguh
bile nak start available start keje? macam tamo keje dulu bole?
main2 la kejap before jadik engineer.
haih. orang nak offer keje punyela payah aku lagi bermalas-malasan.
masuk semak dulu pun ok kan?
macam bes tengok kawan-kawan kakiphoto yang semakin maju. pawer sunggoh sorang2..
aku tetap dengan impian aku.. nak layan nature photography.
contohnya pegi camping dalam hutan tangkap gambar katak.
mesti camping sebab katak keluar malam. lepastu ade landak lagi.
cool, kan?
lepas tu agak-agak nat geo pandang aku tak?
silap2 MNS pun offer membership free~ wakaka
join wildlife macam cool gak.. lepak 2-3 minggu tepi hutan tangkap burung.
warghh bahagiaaaa~~~
ahh semak.
buat report. mandi. print. submit.
semak, semak.
orang lain macam dah merdeka
tapi aku
assignment, report, test..
tape.. sakit tu satu dugaan
nikmat makan kne tarik balik pun satu dugaan
ponteng puasa pun satu dugaan.
besok dah raya dugaan ganti pose.
perghh terbanyak dalam history, gaya orang beranak bulan pose.
so bape hari total aku pose?
semak sungguh
bile nak start available start keje? macam tamo keje dulu bole?
main2 la kejap before jadik engineer.
haih. orang nak offer keje punyela payah aku lagi bermalas-malasan.
masuk semak dulu pun ok kan?
macam bes tengok kawan-kawan kakiphoto yang semakin maju. pawer sunggoh sorang2..
aku tetap dengan impian aku.. nak layan nature photography.
contohnya pegi camping dalam hutan tangkap gambar katak.
mesti camping sebab katak keluar malam. lepastu ade landak lagi.
cool, kan?
lepas tu agak-agak nat geo pandang aku tak?
silap2 MNS pun offer membership free~ wakaka
join wildlife macam cool gak.. lepak 2-3 minggu tepi hutan tangkap burung.
warghh bahagiaaaa~~~
ahh semak.
buat report. mandi. print. submit.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
merdeka diri dan sistem operasi
ouh.. dah 2 sept..
salam merdeka :D
erti merdeka bagi saya?
berbuka trip yang panjang.. terima kasih kawan-kawan
sunset n berbuka @ teluk muroh lumut- mayang @ umah arep - refreshment @ old town setiawan - supper @ mekdi - sukaria @ playground lumut waterfront - menonton karok contest @ lumut bistro seblah playground.
balik kebilik diserikan ngan sahur yg ditapau..
selain tu? haa.. saya meninggalkan bilik petang tu sedang pc saya sedang running on liveCD and installing. ya, sedang format dgn ertikata lain. tapi at the same time bleh guna lappy macam biasa.
dan saya merdeka dari program & aplikasi komputer dengan menggunakan yang percuma saja~! dan juga bes! merdekalah juga laptop saya dari penyeksaan task yang heavy :D
so cam biase.. lepas fresh install, kne ulang balik proses memasang dan mengemaskini ni..
jadi disini saya cuba senaraikan apa yang saya ada dan saya rasa perlu sentiasa ada untuk menambahkan konviensi computer saya supaya menjadi lebih bernilai dr seketul.. computer biasa..
goes by category lah ye..
OS: Ubuntu 9.04, Jaunty J..
Aplications> Accessories
apa dia? sikit? haaahhh~~
ni tambahan saje selain yang ade dalam basic package :) malas ah nak list sume..
baru 3 sub-kategori.. sabar ya.. lenkali akan menyusul lagi yang seterusnya :)
contohnye, graphic, ape photo editing/ managing sofwer kegemaran saya , networking tools saya, security, n yang paling penting, eycandy ah kot.. dan selebihnya :D
salam merdeka :D
erti merdeka bagi saya?
berbuka trip yang panjang.. terima kasih kawan-kawan
sunset n berbuka @ teluk muroh lumut- mayang @ umah arep - refreshment @ old town setiawan - supper @ mekdi - sukaria @ playground lumut waterfront - menonton karok contest @ lumut bistro seblah playground.
balik kebilik diserikan ngan sahur yg ditapau..
selain tu? haa.. saya meninggalkan bilik petang tu sedang pc saya sedang running on liveCD and installing. ya, sedang format dgn ertikata lain. tapi at the same time bleh guna lappy macam biasa.
dan saya merdeka dari program & aplikasi komputer dengan menggunakan yang percuma saja~! dan juga bes! merdekalah juga laptop saya dari penyeksaan task yang heavy :D
so cam biase.. lepas fresh install, kne ulang balik proses memasang dan mengemaskini ni..
jadi disini saya cuba senaraikan apa yang saya ada dan saya rasa perlu sentiasa ada untuk menambahkan konviensi computer saya supaya menjadi lebih bernilai dr seketul.. computer biasa..
goes by category lah ye..
OS: Ubuntu 9.04, Jaunty J..
Aplications> Accessories
- Avant Window Navigator - ni actually Mac-like punye.. so skang bottom panel da buang ganti ni.. lagi chantekk~ :D
- Gnome-Do - (penyelamat time rosak2 aritu) some sort of application launcher.. type saje huruf2 n result die kuar ape2 yang related either filename or application name. besenye takde gune sangat.. tapi kalo nak search pakai ni senang aa.. laju pun laju..
- screenlets - aksesori desktop. aku tak rase perlu sbb most of the time aku bukak windows besar2, xde mase nak tgk desktop kosong.. tapi menarek gak laa kdg2.. macam google gadget/ yahoo widget..
- starDict - dictionary.. blom main2 lagi tapi macam byk bahasa je yg ade
- VirtualBox OSE - another pc.. xp ftw~ blom penah gune, tgk ah lu mane bes as compared to VM
- Marble - cam google map. tapi reso not that detail la.. cukup lah wat esaimen.. ofline summore~ nak carik direction pun senang, tayah intenet lagi~
- tuxpaint - wakaka.. sungguh kiut! simple paint apps busan2 nak dgr suare binatang bleh gak main
- kubrick - rubik! macam2 size yg ade.. ade pattern2 siap.. nt leh blaja
apa dia? sikit? haaahhh~~
ni tambahan saje selain yang ade dalam basic package :) malas ah nak list sume..
baru 3 sub-kategori.. sabar ya.. lenkali akan menyusul lagi yang seterusnya :)
contohnye, graphic, ape photo editing/ managing sofwer kegemaran saya , networking tools saya, security, n yang paling penting, eycandy ah kot.. dan selebihnya :D
open source,
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
it shouldn't happen
the previous entry is no longer published.
its totally not cool to have that kind of post.
my humble apology..
its bad to disclose bad deeds of others n mentioning names.
get back to the usual topics, shall we?
till then, selamat berpuasa
anggun & keluarga
its totally not cool to have that kind of post.
my humble apology..
its bad to disclose bad deeds of others n mentioning names.
get back to the usual topics, shall we?
till then, selamat berpuasa
anggun & keluarga
Monday, August 24, 2009
i hate this thing.
anyway here are some truly-bloody-hard-to-remember kinda how-to.
when i happen to do one, thousands (exaggerated for sure, but i dont know how to express like 'berpuluh-puluhan' or something to that effect) of google results i clicked to just to execute few tiny lines. why dont i compile it here for my reference, aite?
p/s: i never succeed doing one. always try harder for a simpler alternative. too bad you tarballs, as bad as ur name sounds.
anyway here are some truly-bloody-hard-to-remember kinda how-to.
when i happen to do one, thousands (exaggerated for sure, but i dont know how to express like 'berpuluh-puluhan' or something to that effect) of google results i clicked to just to execute few tiny lines. why dont i compile it here for my reference, aite?
- download a tarball. its a compressed folder, or zipped as the one in win. the extension can be .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 and few others. (obviously from the websites n not repo/sypnaptic)
- change the directory to the folder that contains the downloaded tarball
cd /home/anggun/Download and ls to list all the files inside. should see the newly installed package by now.
- unpack the tarball
tar xzvf filename.tar.gz
tar xjvf filename.tar.bz2
- change the directory of newly unpack folder.
'cd /filename' then 'ls' to see what's inside.
- look for install.txt or readme.txt and take sometimes to read. in case there might be some useful info there.
- ./configure it just checks your system and assigns values for system-dependent variables.
- make to actually built the executable binary program.
- sudo make install to finally install it.
- done, if it returns no error somewhere. and congratulations.
p/s: i never succeed doing one. always try harder for a simpler alternative. too bad you tarballs, as bad as ur name sounds.
open source
Friday, August 21, 2009
rejab syaaban ramadhan syawal
selamat datang ramadhan..
maaf zahir dan batin rakan2..
sebenarnya, niat pertama post kali ini adalah untuk meminta maaf semata-mata.. semoga dengan itu, kita semua dikurniakan dada yang lapang supaya jauh dari perasaan hitam dengki marah dendam yg setentunya menjadi kemenangan buat syaitan yg direjam.
pasti, dalam tempoh persahabatan kita, ada kekurangan diri saya yang menimbulkan rasa kurang senang dihati rakan2.. saya memohon maaf. semoga dalam keberkatan ramadhan yg mendatang bakal membaik pulih budi pekerti saya dan seluruh umat islam amnya.
sempena bulan yg mulia ini.. saya ingin berkongsi satu idea dari satu majalah kewangan tidak lama dahulu. ia menganjurkan bahawa kita seharusnya sentiasa memikirkan bagaimana kita dapat mmberi kesenangan kepada orang lain, membantu orang lain, bagaimana dapatkah kita adalah satu faedah kepada orang sekeliling kita.
apa yang sering berlaku, kita mengambil kesempatan diatas kelebihan seseorang itu barulah mahu bersahabat dan sebagainya. memanglah salah namun kelihatan lebih realistik. mungkin dizaman ini tidak terlintas bahawa perasaan kasih terhadap saudara yang lain adalah mulia.
dan ingatlah, setiap kebaikan akan dibalas dgn kebaikan jua. kalau hari ini kita berbuat baik dengan orang, usah berharap untuk orang itu membalasnya, sebaliknya, Pencipta kita lah yang akan mengatur segalanya memudhakna urusan kita dengan cara yang mungkin tidak kita pernah terfikir sekalipun.
semalam saya menonton satu filem melayu, pensil tajuknya. satu babak yg berkesn dimana si nenek menasihati cucunya yang kurang upaya. lebih kurang begini bunyinya:
akhir kata.. selamat beribadah.. semoga yang rongak itu tertampal, yang bengkok itu kembali lurus.. tidaklupa juga.. selamat hari jumaat :D
maaf zahir dan batin rakan2..
sebenarnya, niat pertama post kali ini adalah untuk meminta maaf semata-mata.. semoga dengan itu, kita semua dikurniakan dada yang lapang supaya jauh dari perasaan hitam dengki marah dendam yg setentunya menjadi kemenangan buat syaitan yg direjam.
pasti, dalam tempoh persahabatan kita, ada kekurangan diri saya yang menimbulkan rasa kurang senang dihati rakan2.. saya memohon maaf. semoga dalam keberkatan ramadhan yg mendatang bakal membaik pulih budi pekerti saya dan seluruh umat islam amnya.
sempena bulan yg mulia ini.. saya ingin berkongsi satu idea dari satu majalah kewangan tidak lama dahulu. ia menganjurkan bahawa kita seharusnya sentiasa memikirkan bagaimana kita dapat mmberi kesenangan kepada orang lain, membantu orang lain, bagaimana dapatkah kita adalah satu faedah kepada orang sekeliling kita.
apa yang sering berlaku, kita mengambil kesempatan diatas kelebihan seseorang itu barulah mahu bersahabat dan sebagainya. memanglah salah namun kelihatan lebih realistik. mungkin dizaman ini tidak terlintas bahawa perasaan kasih terhadap saudara yang lain adalah mulia.
dan ingatlah, setiap kebaikan akan dibalas dgn kebaikan jua. kalau hari ini kita berbuat baik dengan orang, usah berharap untuk orang itu membalasnya, sebaliknya, Pencipta kita lah yang akan mengatur segalanya memudhakna urusan kita dengan cara yang mungkin tidak kita pernah terfikir sekalipun.
semalam saya menonton satu filem melayu, pensil tajuknya. satu babak yg berkesn dimana si nenek menasihati cucunya yang kurang upaya. lebih kurang begini bunyinya:
'kalau org tak suka kita, tak sayang kita, hina kita, jangan marah orang tu. jgn benci org tuSubhanallah.. orang yang kurang upaya hatinya pun lebih mulia sbb banyak bersabar..
sayaang sama dia.. tak perlu nak marah dia
sebab diri kita sapa punya? diri mereka sapa punya?
dekat Dia sahaja yg layak kita mengadu,
tadah tangan dan doa, semoga orang2 yg harini buat tak elok kat aku, Kau bersihkan hatinya, mudah-mudahan nanti dorg pun sayang sama kita
kalau tak pun, tak ape.. apa-apa pun, kembalilah padaNya'
akhir kata.. selamat beribadah.. semoga yang rongak itu tertampal, yang bengkok itu kembali lurus.. tidaklupa juga.. selamat hari jumaat :D
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
l o v e s t o r y
We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashbacks start
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
And say hello
Little did I know
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you, please don't go
And I said
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes
So, I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while
Oh oh
Cause you were Romeo, I was the scarlet letter
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
But you were my everything to me
I was begging you, please don't go
And I said
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes
Romeo, save me
They try to tell me how I feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes
Oh oh
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town
And I said
Romeo, save me
I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you, but you never come
Is this in my head
I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said
Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad
Go pick out a white dress
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
'Cause we were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashbacks start
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
And say hello
Little did I know
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you, please don't go
And I said
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes
So, I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while
Oh oh
Cause you were Romeo, I was the scarlet letter
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
But you were my everything to me
I was begging you, please don't go
And I said
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes
Romeo, save me
They try to tell me how I feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes
Oh oh
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town
And I said
Romeo, save me
I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you, but you never come
Is this in my head
I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said
Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad
Go pick out a white dress
It's a love story
Baby, just say yes
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
'Cause we were both young when I first saw you
Lyrics provided by
sooner or later.. aku kne realize ni da final sem
sooner or later aku kne realize fyp kne siap baru leh grad
sooner or later aku kne realize yg fyp aku tade kaitan on
tiba masa untuk fokes.
bai. gugel lu.
sooner or later aku kne realize fyp kne siap baru leh grad
sooner or later aku kne realize yg fyp aku tade kaitan on
1. how to increase perfomance of my fragile-n-old lappy
2. how to secure my machine
3. is ur box been friendly welcoming me
4. how to boost the ISO in low light yet minimising the noise effect with no post processing required
5. how to save a blurry captures and turn it dramatic
6. how to be friendly with clients so we can have a natural happy looking sequences
7. how to walk more n feel no pain
8. how to avoid drugs n stay healthy n fit
n the list goes on n on
tiba masa untuk fokes.
bai. gugel lu.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
its meteors showering!
Monday, August 10, 2009
byk org familiar kan dgn mnde alah ni..
bes gak ah
saye suke usha!
memule tgk browser.. ye la, dulu kan saye big fan opera~ haha.. firefox mmg plg byk, then ade gak safari n ie.
then tgk location. klu overseas tu cam agak 'waahh mebi attractive blog aku neh' tp sbenanye kwn aku yg duk ovesi.
pastu tgk OS.. bese linux, vista, xp, ngan mac.. microsoft gak aa menang~~ tapi penah gak unrecognized, mase aku pakai pcbsd. kaman pacik feedjit, pcbsd pun linux gak~ kde siap :D
tp on top of all this.. mstila kne remove ip diri snirik lu. tp kalo baru tuka ip tu, kurang berkesan sgt aa..
drpada sume ni, leh aa predict sape2.. haha :D
pasni leh tgk gugel chrome os plak mebi?
bes gak ah
saye suke usha!
memule tgk browser.. ye la, dulu kan saye big fan opera~ haha.. firefox mmg plg byk, then ade gak safari n ie.
then tgk location. klu overseas tu cam agak 'waahh mebi attractive blog aku neh' tp sbenanye kwn aku yg duk ovesi.
pastu tgk OS.. bese linux, vista, xp, ngan mac.. microsoft gak aa menang~~ tapi penah gak unrecognized, mase aku pakai pcbsd. kaman pacik feedjit, pcbsd pun linux gak~ kde siap :D
tp on top of all this.. mstila kne remove ip diri snirik lu. tp kalo baru tuka ip tu, kurang berkesan sgt aa..
drpada sume ni, leh aa predict sape2.. haha :D
pasni leh tgk gugel chrome os plak mebi?
Saturday, August 8, 2009
adidas kampung, the pros and the conts
or maybe i should put the title as 'sayangi lutut anda'
imagine this..
u r a noobie. and for some good reason u learn from the elders, or old-timers.
the fitness and endurance been another realistic issue.
so u adapt what their practices and soon u'll get used to it.
during my early times in outdoor adventures, i've been promoted to adidas kampung or kasut getah (rubber-tapper's shoes) very much like its a must have and a real hardcore will having at least a pair of it.
this is how it looks. the sandal is normally a Teva, but risk the toes for tripping the roots n trees or even rocks.
the shoes cost more or less RM5. quite hard to find. this sounds so cheap. one single xpdc costs not less than rm100, the equipments, maybe rm500 or so.. so to have another few hundreds bucks for a timberland or lafuma is not a very affordable idea.
the special thing about it is that it is fully made of rubber, the original one. so it grips very well, and wont get wet, (malaysian rainforest tracks require climbers to cross rivers and waterfalls) this means it wont be extra heavy. plus, it is a whole-pieced so less likely to get torn.
on the minus side, this is a big no for hot, long trek balak or even roads. it will became uncomfortably hot and easier to tear. replace if its worn out because it will be slippery then.
more importantly, it doesn't have a steel plate so it wont protect from sharp objects.
the cushioning is also an issue.
the various kind of tracks (i.e. canak, landai, 90 degrees, cerun, tangga, batu, kayu, humus, sungai, lumpur) affect the stepping pace.
when its almost 10-hours of trekking, the only thing in mind is to reach the nearest campsite as quickly as possible, at least before its getting dark. or maybe just for the fun of it, (while the energy lasts) the tendency to jump and run is very, very likely and its the knee that suffers the impact of like 10-20kgs of the rucksack on the back.
after few years, its still the sweetest memory in life. until i met the forestry and asli peeps, that told me, its not that good wearing the adidas kampung.
on my recent gunung, i went well up to the summit, but the knees start shaking all my way down or even flats. even back at home, going downstairs to the kitchen is disastrous.
long walking distance also trigger the similar effect. going classes is miserable sometimes.
after more than a month now, the pain on the knees hasn't gone. too bad, with the h1n1 outbreaks, no other cases are more severe than flu and fever, so the doctor pays little attention to my case.
if u r having a pair of adidas kampung or planning to. please think again. even running on nicely-paved jogging-track requires an engineered pair of trainers.
p/s: i still own a newly bought pair of shoes.
imagine this..
u r a noobie. and for some good reason u learn from the elders, or old-timers.
the fitness and endurance been another realistic issue.
so u adapt what their practices and soon u'll get used to it.
during my early times in outdoor adventures, i've been promoted to adidas kampung or kasut getah (rubber-tapper's shoes) very much like its a must have and a real hardcore will having at least a pair of it.
the shoes cost more or less RM5. quite hard to find. this sounds so cheap. one single xpdc costs not less than rm100, the equipments, maybe rm500 or so.. so to have another few hundreds bucks for a timberland or lafuma is not a very affordable idea.
the special thing about it is that it is fully made of rubber, the original one. so it grips very well, and wont get wet, (malaysian rainforest tracks require climbers to cross rivers and waterfalls) this means it wont be extra heavy. plus, it is a whole-pieced so less likely to get torn.
on the minus side, this is a big no for hot, long trek balak or even roads. it will became uncomfortably hot and easier to tear. replace if its worn out because it will be slippery then.
more importantly, it doesn't have a steel plate so it wont protect from sharp objects.
the cushioning is also an issue.
the various kind of tracks (i.e. canak, landai, 90 degrees, cerun, tangga, batu, kayu, humus, sungai, lumpur) affect the stepping pace.
when its almost 10-hours of trekking, the only thing in mind is to reach the nearest campsite as quickly as possible, at least before its getting dark. or maybe just for the fun of it, (while the energy lasts) the tendency to jump and run is very, very likely and its the knee that suffers the impact of like 10-20kgs of the rucksack on the back.
after few years, its still the sweetest memory in life. until i met the forestry and asli peeps, that told me, its not that good wearing the adidas kampung.
on my recent gunung, i went well up to the summit, but the knees start shaking all my way down or even flats. even back at home, going downstairs to the kitchen is disastrous.
long walking distance also trigger the similar effect. going classes is miserable sometimes.
after more than a month now, the pain on the knees hasn't gone. too bad, with the h1n1 outbreaks, no other cases are more severe than flu and fever, so the doctor pays little attention to my case.
if u r having a pair of adidas kampung or planning to. please think again. even running on nicely-paved jogging-track requires an engineered pair of trainers.
p/s: i still own a newly bought pair of shoes.
outdoor activity
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
of.. kerang?
mencari kerang yg baik tapi still takjumpe
meletakkan kerang yg baik tapi lom berjaya..
mari membuat kerang.
bukan niatku nak typo, tapi xsure eja cengkerang ke cangkerang. the latter seems not too familiar but it does sounds familiar.
p/s: bile bleh balek utp blk ni?
edit ah sket..
td umah saye blackout, sbb kipas kat bwh xbape betol, kdg2 bile turn on je leh blekout.
maka terkapai2 la saye lam bilik lappy mati stret (batt saye da kong lame da)
lalu saye mengintai2 ke bilik seblah dan kebawah lalu mengetahui kisah kipas itu.
da ok balik sume
saye on kan la balik. pastu saye x amalkan mount sume saye punye media. so access la secare manual. satu partition saye xleh bukak. mebi sbb td tgh ade file operation running pastu sudden death kan, so wenglah partition tersebut.
error die panjang, tp yg saye igt, reboot on windows twice run chckdsk bla2..
saye bleh imagine process tu berlaku tp technically, mmg Windows ke maksud error msg tu?
wahahaha.. try je aa pasnih bukak tengok~
meletakkan kerang yg baik tapi lom berjaya..
mari membuat kerang.
bukan niatku nak typo, tapi xsure eja cengkerang ke cangkerang. the latter seems not too familiar but it does sounds familiar.
p/s: bile bleh balek utp blk ni?
edit ah sket..
td umah saye blackout, sbb kipas kat bwh xbape betol, kdg2 bile turn on je leh blekout.
maka terkapai2 la saye lam bilik lappy mati stret (batt saye da kong lame da)
lalu saye mengintai2 ke bilik seblah dan kebawah lalu mengetahui kisah kipas itu.
da ok balik sume
saye on kan la balik. pastu saye x amalkan mount sume saye punye media. so access la secare manual. satu partition saye xleh bukak. mebi sbb td tgh ade file operation running pastu sudden death kan, so wenglah partition tersebut.
error die panjang, tp yg saye igt, reboot on windows twice run chckdsk bla2..
saye bleh imagine process tu berlaku tp technically, mmg Windows ke maksud error msg tu?
wahahaha.. try je aa pasnih bukak tengok~
open source
Friday, July 31, 2009
tahniah for team2 hakas2 utp yg hebat2 sehingga disebut2 mase welcoming address course cvl this week for the participation lam kuis mende tah.. tahniah d0t masok quarter final n k0rcr3w masok semi. n two other teams, f.n0rd . org ngan tang0.
tahniah for #kakiphoto coz berjaya membuat smooth attack dekat MMK. perahan idea pagi buta, drafting n planning, berbekalkan bodi2 yg ade, dapat juga menghasilkan hampir seratus pendaftaran baru dalam community. (angka sebenar undisclosed, wahaha) dan dgn pantas team kakiphoto membuat welcoming moves that leads to a TT session with many new faces. xkan hilang generasi photog di utp, so they used to say ;) to all contributing crews at field for being superbly supportive and proactive. sape2 nk join lg leh drop email kt cni.
klu x cuti leh plan untuk ketidakpupusan satu lg komuniti.. tp nk wat smooth attack cam td xcukop kaki lak.. later2 leh je.. any way tahniah jugak la untuk the mastermind.
all in all.. bersyukur lah semua yang baik mahupun tidak, datang dari-Nya untuk menduga kita hamba2nya..
syukuur alhamdulillah.
tahniah for #kakiphoto coz berjaya membuat smooth attack dekat MMK. perahan idea pagi buta, drafting n planning, berbekalkan bodi2 yg ade, dapat juga menghasilkan hampir seratus pendaftaran baru dalam community. (angka sebenar undisclosed, wahaha) dan dgn pantas team kakiphoto membuat welcoming moves that leads to a TT session with many new faces. xkan hilang generasi photog di utp, so they used to say ;) to all contributing crews at field for being superbly supportive and proactive. sape2 nk join lg leh drop email kt cni.
klu x cuti leh plan untuk ketidakpupusan satu lg komuniti.. tp nk wat smooth attack cam td xcukop kaki lak.. later2 leh je.. any way tahniah jugak la untuk the mastermind.
all in all.. bersyukur lah semua yang baik mahupun tidak, datang dari-Nya untuk menduga kita hamba2nya..
syukuur alhamdulillah.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
macam aisya
wahh skang kne pakai mask la pulak.. elok gak uh, walaupun virus tuh tak nampak pada pandangan mata kasar, sekurang-kurangnya dapat juga menapis jerebu yg kian parah di bumi tronoh ni.
macam aisya la pulak. ape lagi, eyeliner plis! hahaha.. jumpe kawan tengah jalan pun main teka2 sape disebalik face mask yg diberi percuma oleh pihak utp. tak kurang juga perasaan ragu2 patutke tegur nih, bukan dia cam pun sape. kang malu plak. pastu kalo senyum plak, mane nak prasan.. mebi pasnih kne praktik angkat kening pulak untuk 'say hye n greetings' buat kawan2.
aisya? kredit to ayat-ayat cinta :D
macam aisya la pulak. ape lagi, eyeliner plis! hahaha.. jumpe kawan tengah jalan pun main teka2 sape disebalik face mask yg diberi percuma oleh pihak utp. tak kurang juga perasaan ragu2 patutke tegur nih, bukan dia cam pun sape. kang malu plak. pastu kalo senyum plak, mane nak prasan.. mebi pasnih kne praktik angkat kening pulak untuk 'say hye n greetings' buat kawan2.
aisya? kredit to ayat-ayat cinta :D
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
gtalk-ing with pidgin
as promised, this is a guide on how to enable gtalk in pidgin for fedora user.
1) choose gtalk protocol
2) it's automatically transformed to xmpp for no obvious reason. haha
fill in the field as shown.
click on the image for a larger picture.

2) it's automatically transformed to xmpp for no obvious reason. haha

click on the image for a larger picture.
fedora 11,
open source
Monday, July 27, 2009
model photo shoot
on 21st july 2009, #kakiphoto @ utpchat has organized an outing as a kick start of newly started July 2009 semester.
the outing was participated by ewok, iman, topaz, dayat, zhee, zyker, paker, ejat, and me myself.
the subject of the fine evening was a friend of mine, nafsiah omar.
these are some of the photos taken. comments & critics are most welcomed :)



the outing was participated by ewok, iman, topaz, dayat, zhee, zyker, paker, ejat, and me myself.
the subject of the fine evening was a friend of mine, nafsiah omar.
these are some of the photos taken. comments & critics are most welcomed :)



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