
Thursday, May 17, 2012

sweet dream

yesternight i had a dream.

it was a scary one. i was really scared. but somebody hold my hand. tight.
i feel calm. we both scared. at least it made both of us inhaling and exhaling in an orderly manner.
i want nothing else but to hold the hands. the source of strength of some sort.
it was a guy. i dont know how the dream started but he is my husband.
i trust him to lead me to the right path. i know he would.
i feel so blessed being married.

i never knew it would be that powerful, just a mere soft touch of hands.
i hope i will preserve the pure feeling until that very day.
let's try..
strictly no handshake to any non muhrim!!!
and that applies to my close family but still non muhrim
so to my friends who are very close to me like a family but similarly non muhrim
and to my boyfriend oh wait what? i never have one you silly!

now.. is this a really a sweet dream or a wet one?

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Hunger Games Trilogy

Sapa ada? have u finished reading? do you feel like reading it again?

if not, why dont u sell it to me? can you, please?

i would actually love to propose this kind of book exchange meetup. we might not really want to sell our books for cheap but we are less likely to be reading it again, soon. one book might costs us some good MYR 30 plus plus. once we finish reading, we cant wait getting a new one.

i always found looking for books is not easy. even i preread the few intro pages, read the back cover synopsis, i still dont know if its a good read and worth buying. and that book review n recommendations in the latest mags or papers? soory to say i really have a very limited option down south here. 

so if there's any reader's meetup anywhere nearby, please please please let me know. else, if there's not any around, let's be the host!!

oh yes, if i happen to buy The Hunger Games books set of three, i might want to sell it back, haha~ so yeah, prebook is open now!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Project Signage: Senai Airport City

finally spotted! dekat seblah hiway. Senai Desaru Expressway to be precise
sapelaaa nak bace kalo nun diatas bukit tuhh.. bukan ade entrance situ. dekat entrance ade sehabis kecik signbod site ofis je. oh wait! projek ni ekceli takde proper entrance pun as we speak.
mana tak membebel pemandu pemandu lori

*le typical conversation after spending some good hours explaining the direction to get in, and they finally reach le site

"haaa senai airport? sini bukan senai airport!!!! jaoh nih dari senai airport"

"Sape kate senai airport. bak DO tgk, senai airport city ke senai airport"

"lain kali ah, kasi tau orang, sini seelong, bukan senai lagi, senai ape stengah jam masuk dalam macam ni. drebar lori semua tatau ini tempat kalau lu cakap senai"

"ape boleh buat tuan tanah mau kasi nama senai epot city, tak buat seelong epot city.. takpe laa.. janji barang saya sampai. lain kali nanti u tolong anta la barang u sudah tau sini area senang. susah sy mau cerita sama lain orang lagi"

what i meant to say = stengah jam dari entrance dekat seelong, lu tatau ke lu tengah pijak tanah tebrau sekarang ni tebrau!

aku dah la memang lemah bab ba direction ni. kadang kadang (more like most of the time) emosi menguasai diri gak time nak guide segala jenis orang masuk site aku sekarang.

pernah sekali tu baruuu sampai dekat jalan seelong lori tu (lori lain la.. barang banyak supplier banyak drebar lori pun skali oder skali tuka)

"aa amoi mana tempat saya sudah masuk senai jaya sini"

"betul betul.. lu masuk terus itu jalan crusher run aa sampai pagad sini saya ada sini nanti sy bawak masuk dalam"

*jarak taman senai jaya ke guard post 5 minit la lebih kurang kalau lori penuh barang or crane. dah 7 minit belum nampak aku call lagi

"halo u ada mana?"

"saya sudah pusing pusing ini area tempat sama. u apa bikin. keluar sini la tunjuk saya jalan!!" 

"haa mana boleh pusing ini tempat. jalan lurus one way saje. saya keluar pun nanti susah jalan kecik macamana mau puing kereta. saya buat TNB punya barang. u ni betul ke suda masuk jalan senai jaya crusher run punya, bukan taman aa.. saya ada sini tunggu u takde nampak pun"

"oo bikin TNB ah.. mana takda nampak pun tak jumpa!"


fuhhhh facepalm kejap aku. macam ni punya orang pun boleh aa. dekat opis aku aku dah pesan, 30 mins masuk dalam. dekat opis die pun dah pesan, 30 mins masuk dalam. dekat lori sebelum dia punnn  cakap benda sama 30 mins masuk dalam. memang sapa sapa call aku cakap siang siang lagi 30 mins masuk dalam.

entah bagaimana dia boleh ingat site tepi jalan senang lenang pun tak tahu mana silapnya. kau sangkakan jalan tar sehingga kehujung jalan namun tanah tanah merah lecak menanti!

maka aku tarik jap napas, jgn nampak sangat tengah facepalm diri sendiri. smbung kasik direction elok elok. kepada uncle drebar lori aritu. maaf. tak lama kemudia lori pun muncul. baru nak guide masuk bos call

"aa where are you? we got meeting in a while, when are u coming back to office?"

"still in senai.. can u give me 30 mins? i'll get in the i'll go straight to office.. err and that would be like 50mins?"

"no you come to now laa. please please"

"ah ok, i'll arrange sumone else to pick this lorry up then i'll be on my way"

so sampai sudah i dont get to see the driver.

ini baru dua cerita. bayangkan laah aku kena hadapi benda aku paling taksuka ni like 3-4 kali seminggu. haha. unnecessary pressure orang kata. at the end of the project, hopefully aku akan jadi seorang yang sanagt baik dan penyabar dalam giving direction ni at least, left and right tu dah boleh spontateneously comes to me. ops!

ye ye saya tak boleh nak brain kiri dan kanan!!! its too confusing!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

happy anniversary, to me, to us!

so anda probably well informed yang position aku sekarang ialah site engineer. or at least that's what i signed on my email and official correspondence.

i never truly know what my job scope is until i did it. tapi satu perkara aku pegang, it can be very random.
lagipun aku keje kampeni kecil kecilan, dari UTP lg dah selalu sangat org nasihat, akan buat semua kerja. unless ko kerja kat kampeni besar, whereby the specialization on the role is very much exercised.

so semua kerja la i did. ok tak semua, tapi in the situation where something needs to be done, tak kira lah by right itu kerja siapa pun, bersedia untuk tidak melatah kalau tetiba kena buat sendiri. sama ada nak tunjuk cara cuci longkang scupper drain kat bangla time hujan lebat, atau memang bangla takde yang free nak cucikan longkang tu maka kena buat sendiri.

tapi tak tahu lah setakat ni aku suka buat benda benda macam tu sebab aku tak pernah buat atau sampai bila bila pun aku still suka buat kerja tu sebab ia simply fun!

tapi banyak aku belajar, a page each la kot. maksudnya banyak lagi yang aku kena belajar, many more pages from various chapters.

1) kerja wise
aku baru experienced buat satu bungalow house, satu community hall, buat jalan, buat longkang, buat building kecik kecik..

tp each in a very brief kind of experience. sebab aku under guidance dr bos bos aku, or subcon subcon aku. im not suprise my indon workers actually know whole lot more than me so sometimes boleh tanya tanya je. tapii jgn laa asek duk tanya je, biasanya aku google jugak berkenaan benda tu. cek dalam UBBL, i always go to the system first, then only apply dgn current practicable methods kat site..

not only the technical stuff, aku jugak kena manage apa saja dekat site. dr workers, kepala kepala kerja dan kepala kepala perkerja yang kadang kadang banyak betul songeh hoiii.

lepastu pulak client yang kadang kadang selembut sutera perangainya, kadang kadang macam anggap kita kontraktor ni tau kencing dan tau curi je. langsung takde nak appreciate titik peluh kami semua. tapi time claim keluar, lambat aje nak proses. banyak aje nak mintak kurang.

consultant on the other hand can be very kawtimable. inspection last minit request pun boleh. agak malas buat macam drawing, kasik propose je cara baru, tadehal mesti dia approve. tapi yg jenis susah pun ada. kita ckp drawing dia tak cukop detail. tunggu punya tunggu takde reply. paling baik pun suh pegi tengok mana mana sample then kasik propose submit drawing sama spec bagi dia tengok kalau ok dia approve. perghhh aku pulak jadi consultant? turnkey projek ke? ahaks. menjawab lah dengan client besok kitorang submit VO banyak banyak kan pasal instruction bukan bukan keluar.

authority pula takde ape sangat.. mostly involve time nak handover je. as long as ikot je regulation, submit form semua accordingly, apa apa bayaran dibayar sebaiknya, maka CCC certificate of completion and c.. er  banyak pulak c nye nih. aku pun dah lupa lupa ayam apa ccc nih. tapi basically projek da abes, dah leh pindah randah ke projek lain pulak, misi berjaya o yeah :D

2) soft skills
it needs a loooot of brushing up! sesungguhnya i find that im pretty good playing my role. tp very bad kalau handle multiple level by not making conflicts.

dgn different parties yang aku kena deal on daily basis, banyak kepentingan aku kena observe. sebabtu orang kata kadang kadang boleh dikambinghitamkan camtu camtu je.

kadang kadang aku kaver subcon baikkkk punya, sapot all i could, sudahnya org lain gak wat final decision. taim tu, air muka aku jatuh meleleh ko longkang je rasanya. tak de muka oiii nak mngadap subkon tu lagiii..
tapi aku harap orang sekeliling paham, its nothing personal. tak semua benda aku leh cakap. tak semua benda aku boleh ikut. emosi pun kadang kadang lain macam.

at first ada la rasa macam dapat spesel treatment sebab ko gadis jaga site, tapi lama lama keadaan dah tak jadi sweet seperti yang diharapkan, time rage, memang keluar jugak peluh jantan aku. takpun air mata jantan (manly tears). time time macamni biasanya aku akan menyendiri mengulo minom kat luar la. haha. baru tenang sikit mau fikir solution! eceyh!

3) kehidupan
actually, life aku beyond work hours basically takde ape. its good jugak so aku leh fokus kerja like 100%.. and only 40% much left to that my so-called life.

time keje dekat selangor almost every other week balik rumah jumpa family, pegi kl hangout ngan kawan kawan.. tapi sejak stationed kat jb balik, nothing much to it.

sedih tu ada laa jugak sebab mis a lot of happenings kawan kawan family semua tapi i embrace thewhole package with an open heart. we can be the jack of all threads, kan tapi master only one, at a time. and now, im doing that bit to which i consider the hardest in my line.

kejayaan perlukan pengorbanan :)

my way forward

quoting asyrafi abdul halim and ariff bin sukur, both are my respective seniors back in UTP, 1 year in contractor > 5 years in consultant

even my immediate superior, my project manager, always told me, when i had it enough in this line, jump into those consultancy line. design and stuff.

but deep inside, i dont really know do i really want that. maybe i need to try other kind of projects so i know what cluster i love the most. and perhaps, having a master's degree on one :)

InsyaAllah :)